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Позиционирование модели и задание размеров и формы заготовки

torvn77 edited this page Apr 3, 2016 · 3 revisions

CAM material size and position CAM material size and position in 3D

  • Estimate from model - will assume the workpiece/material has the same size as the model, with radius around the model. If not enabled then the Material origin and Material size are used in case when the material/workpiece is not the same as the model. The 3D view will show the machine work area with a hashed outline and the material size and position will be a lighter grey. The material object is not selectable in the 3D view but can be selected in the Outliner and has the name CAM_material.
  • Position object - Перемещение объекта в начало координат так, что бы он находился в положительной части осей X и У и отрицательной части оси Z.

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