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Configuration parameters
sh123 edited this page Nov 16, 2023
43 revisions
Category | Dynamic param name | Compile time (default) config.h param name | Description |
Compile time | USE_SX126X | SX126X module group is used when defined, otherwise SX127X module group is used | |
Compile time | MODULE_NAME | RadioLib module name, see https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/wiki/Modules | |
General | LogLevel | CFG_LOG_LEVEL | One of LogDebug library levels (DebugLogLevel::LVL_INFO default, set to DebugLogLevel::LVL_TRACE for sent/received data logging, set to DebugLogLevel::LVL_NONE to disable USB serial logging) |
General | IsClientMode | CFG_IS_CLIENT_MODE |
true - enable normal/client mode, false - run in APRS iGate mode |
LoRa/FSK | LoraFreqRx | CFG_LORA_FREQ_RX | LoRa module RX frequency in Hz |
LoRa/FSK | LoraFreqTx | CFG_LORA_FREQ_TX | LoRa module TX frequency in Hz (set to different values for split operation) |
LoRa/FSK | LoraPower | CFG_LORA_PWR | Module output power in dBm (without external amplifier gain!) |
LoRa | LoraBw | CFG_LORA_BW | LoRa module bandwidth in Hz |
LoRa | LoraSf | CFG_LORA_SF | Spreading factor from 6 up to 12 |
LoRa | LoraCodingRate | CFG_LORA_CR | Coding rate from 5 up to 8 |
LoRa | LoraSync | CFG_LORA_SYNC | Sync word (usually 0x12 or 0x34) |
LoRa | LoraCrc | CFG_LORA_CRC | 0 - disable CRC, 1 - 1 byte, 2 - 2 bytes |
LoRa | LoRaExplicit | CFG_LORA_EXPLICIT |
true - explicit header mode, false - implicit header mode (always false for SF6) |
LoRa | LoraPinSs | CFG_LORA_PIN_SS | SS/CS module pin number |
LoRa | LoraPinRst | CFG_LORA_PIN_RST | RST module pin number |
LoRa | LoraPinA | CFG_LORA_PIN_A | SX127x - set to DIO0, SX126x - set to DIO1 |
LoRa | LoraPinB | CFG_LORA_PIN_B | SX127x - set to DIO1, SX126X - set to BUSY |
LoRa | LoraPinSwitchRx | CFG_LORA_PIN_RXEN | SX127x - not used, SX126X - set to RXEN pin |
LoRa | LoraPinSwitchTx | CFG_LORA_PIN_TXEN | SX127x - not used, SX126X - set to TXEN pin |
LoRa | LoraUseCad | CFG_LORA_USE_CAD |
true - enable carrier sense (only for RadioLib library), false - disable carrier sense |
FSK | FskBitRate | CFG_FSK_BIT_RATE | FSK bit rate in kHz, e.g. 4.8
FSK | FskFreqDev | CFG_FSK_FREQ_DEV | FSK frequency deviation in kHz, e.g. 1.2
FSK | FskRxBw | CFG_FSK_RX_BW | FSK bandwidth in kHz, one of 4.8, 5.8, 7.3, 9.7, 11.7, 14.6, 19.5, 23.4, 29.3, 39.0, 46.9, 58.6, 78.2, 93.8, 117.3, 156.2, 187.2, 234.3, 312.0, 373.0, 467.0
APRS | AprsHost | "rotate.aprs2.net" | APRS-IS host |
APRS | AprsPort | 14580 | APRS-IS port |
APRS | AprsLogin | CFG_APRS_LOGIN | Your callsign for APRS-IS login |
APRS | AprsPass | CFG_APRS_PASS | Your callsign key for APRS-IS login |
APRS | AprsFilter | CFG_APRS_FILTER | APRS-IS incoming packet filter when running in iGate TX capable mode, see APRS-IS specification for supported formats, multiple filters are space separated |
APRS | AprsRawBeacon | CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN | Raw APRS beacon |
APRS | AprsRawBeaconPeriodMinutes | 20 | Raw APRS beacon transmission period |
APRS | EnableSignalReport | CFG_SIGNAL_REPORT |
true - signal report will be added to the comment sent to APRS-IS, fasle - won't be added |
APRS | EnablePersistentAprsConnection | CFG_PERSISTENT_APRS |
true - keep tcp/ip connection open, false - connect on new packet (very rare traffic) |
APRS | EnableRfToIs | CFG_RF_TO_IS | Forward packets from radio to internet |
APRS | EnableIsToRf | CFG_IS_TO_RF | Forward packets from internet to radio, CFG_APRS_FILTER filter rule applies |
APRS | EnableRepeater | CFG_DIGIREPEAT | Digirepeat incoming packets |
APRS | EnableBeacon | CFG_BEACON | Enable periodic beacon from CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN
APRS | EnableTextPackets | CFG_TEXT_PACKETS |
true - operate on TNC2 text APRS packets for interoperability with other LoRa APRS projects (disables KISS usage) or to use Bluetooth terminal applications, false - operate on classic AX.25 frames (enables KISS usage) |
APRS | EnableTextPackets3 | CFG_TEXT_PACKETS_3 |
true - each packet will be prefixed with '<',0xff,0x01 for interoperability with lora-aprs, false - no prefix will be sent |
true - enable USB transport (Bluetooth and TCP/IP modes are going to be disabled), false - disable |
BT | BtName | CFG_BT_NAME | Set Bluetooth/BLE name, empty string disables Bluetooth/BLE usage |
BT | BtEnableBle | CFG_BT_USE_BLE |
true - use BLE instead of serial Bluetooth (for iOS apps), false - run in Bluetooth serial mode |
WiFi | WifiEnableAp | CFG_WIFI_ENABLE_AP |
true - run in WiFi AP mode (for KISS over TCP/IP), false - run in WiFi client/STA mode |
WiFi | WifiSsid | CFG_WIFI_SSID | WiFi SSID name to connect to in STA mode, or AP SSID in AP mode |
WiFi | WifiKey | CFG_WIFI_KEY | WiFi key of AP to which connection is performed, own key in AP mode |
Freq | EnableAutoFreqCorrection | CFG_FREQ_CORR |
true - enable automatic frequency correction on received packets, false - disable frequency correction |
Freq | AutoFreqCorrectionDeltaHz | CFG_FREQ_CORR_DELTA | Perform frequency correction when difference is larger than this value in Hz |
KISS | KissEnableExtensions | CFG_KISS_EXTENSIONS |
true - enable KISS extensions, such as radio control and signal reports, false - disable frequency correction |
KISS | KissEnableTcpIp | CFG_KISS_TCP_IP |
true - run KISS TCP/IP server (has priority over Bluetooth, but Bluetooth is NOT going to be disabled), false - disable |
PTT | PttEnable | CFG_PTT_ENABLE |
true - enable external device PTT control, such as amplifier, false - disable |
PTT | PttPin | CFG_PTT_PIN | Relay control pinout |
PTT | PttTxDelayMs | CFG_PTT_TX_DELAY_MS | How much to wait before relay switching on and transmission startup |
PTT | PttTxTailMs | CFG_PTT_TX_TAIL_MS | How much to wait after transmission completion before switching off the relay |
KISS | TlmEnable | CFG_TLM_ENABLE | Enable modem telemetry |
KISS | TlmBatMonPin | CFG_TLM_BAT_MON_PIN | Battery monitor ADC pin |
KISS | TlmBatMonCal | CFG_TLM_BAT_MON_CAL | Battery voltage calibration correction value (float, volts) |