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Configuration parameters

sh123 edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 43 revisions
Category Dynamic param name Compile time (default) config.h param name Description
Compile time USE_SX126X SX126X module group is used when defined, otherwise SX127X module group is used
Compile time MODULE_NAME RadioLib module name, see
General LogLevel CFG_LOG_LEVEL One of LogDebug library levels (DebugLogLevel::LVL_INFO default, set to DebugLogLevel::LVL_TRACE for sent/received data logging, set to DebugLogLevel::LVL_NONE to disable USB serial logging)
General IsClientMode CFG_IS_CLIENT_MODE true - enable normal/client mode, false - run in APRS iGate mode
LoRa/FSK LoraFreqRx CFG_LORA_FREQ_RX LoRa module RX frequency in Hz
LoRa/FSK LoraFreqTx CFG_LORA_FREQ_TX LoRa module TX frequency in Hz (set to different values for split operation)
LoRa/FSK LoraPower CFG_LORA_PWR Module output power in dBm (without external amplifier gain!)
LoRa LoraBw CFG_LORA_BW LoRa module bandwidth in Hz
LoRa LoraSf CFG_LORA_SF Spreading factor from 6 up to 12
LoRa LoraCodingRate CFG_LORA_CR Coding rate from 5 up to 8
LoRa LoraSync CFG_LORA_SYNC Sync word (usually 0x12 or 0x34)
LoRa LoraCrc CFG_LORA_CRC 0 - disable CRC, 1 - 1 byte, 2 - 2 bytes
LoRa LoRaExplicit CFG_LORA_EXPLICIT true - explicit header mode, false - implicit header mode (always false for SF6)
LoRa LoraPinSs CFG_LORA_PIN_SS SS/CS module pin number
LoRa LoraPinRst CFG_LORA_PIN_RST RST module pin number
LoRa LoraPinA CFG_LORA_PIN_A SX127x - set to DIO0, SX126x - set to DIO1
LoRa LoraPinB CFG_LORA_PIN_B SX127x - set to DIO1, SX126X - set to BUSY
LoRa LoraPinSwitchRx CFG_LORA_PIN_RXEN SX127x - not used, SX126X - set to RXEN pin
LoRa LoraPinSwitchTx CFG_LORA_PIN_TXEN SX127x - not used, SX126X - set to TXEN pin
LoRa LoraUseCad CFG_LORA_USE_CAD true - enable carrier sense (only for RadioLib library), false - disable carrier sense
FSK FskBitRate CFG_FSK_BIT_RATE FSK bit rate in kHz, e.g. 4.8
FSK FskFreqDev CFG_FSK_FREQ_DEV FSK frequency deviation in kHz, e.g. 1.2
FSK FskRxBw CFG_FSK_RX_BW FSK bandwidth in kHz, one of 4.8, 5.8, 7.3, 9.7, 11.7, 14.6, 19.5, 23.4, 29.3, 39.0, 46.9, 58.6, 78.2, 93.8, 117.3, 156.2, 187.2, 234.3, 312.0, 373.0, 467.0
APRS AprsHost "" APRS-IS host
APRS AprsPort 14580 APRS-IS port
APRS AprsLogin CFG_APRS_LOGIN Your callsign for APRS-IS login
APRS AprsPass CFG_APRS_PASS Your callsign key for APRS-IS login
APRS AprsFilter CFG_APRS_FILTER APRS-IS incoming packet filter when running in iGate TX capable mode, see APRS-IS specification for supported formats, multiple filters are space separated
APRS AprsRawBeacon CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN Raw APRS beacon
APRS AprsRawBeaconPeriodMinutes 20 Raw APRS beacon transmission period
APRS EnableSignalReport CFG_SIGNAL_REPORT true - signal report will be added to the comment sent to APRS-IS, fasle - won't be added
APRS EnablePersistentAprsConnection CFG_PERSISTENT_APRS true - keep tcp/ip connection open, false - connect on new packet (very rare traffic)
APRS EnableRfToIs CFG_RF_TO_IS Forward packets from radio to internet
APRS EnableIsToRf CFG_IS_TO_RF Forward packets from internet to radio, CFG_APRS_FILTER filter rule applies
APRS EnableRepeater CFG_DIGIREPEAT Digirepeat incoming packets
APRS EnableBeacon CFG_BEACON Enable periodic beacon from CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN
APRS EnableTextPackets CFG_TEXT_PACKETS true - operate on TNC2 text APRS packets for interoperability with other LoRa APRS projects (disables KISS usage) or to use Bluetooth terminal applications, false - operate on classic AX.25 frames (enables KISS usage)
APRS EnableTextPackets3 CFG_TEXT_PACKETS_3 true - each packet will be prefixed with '<',0xff,0x01 for interoperability with lora-aprs, false - no prefix will be sent
USB UsbSerialEnable CFG_USB_SERIAL_ENABLE true - enable USB transport (Bluetooth and TCP/IP modes are going to be disabled), false - disable
BT BtName CFG_BT_NAME Set Bluetooth/BLE name, empty string disables Bluetooth/BLE usage
BT BtEnableBle CFG_BT_USE_BLE true - use BLE instead of serial Bluetooth (for iOS apps), false - run in Bluetooth serial mode
WiFi WifiEnableAp CFG_WIFI_ENABLE_AP true - run in WiFi AP mode (for KISS over TCP/IP), false - run in WiFi client/STA mode
WiFi WifiSsid CFG_WIFI_SSID WiFi SSID name to connect to in STA mode, or AP SSID in AP mode
WiFi WifiKey CFG_WIFI_KEY WiFi key of AP to which connection is performed, own key in AP mode
Freq EnableAutoFreqCorrection CFG_FREQ_CORR true - enable automatic frequency correction on received packets, false - disable frequency correction
Freq AutoFreqCorrectionDeltaHz CFG_FREQ_CORR_DELTA Perform frequency correction when difference is larger than this value in Hz
KISS KissEnableExtensions CFG_KISS_EXTENSIONS true - enable KISS extensions, such as radio control and signal reports, false - disable frequency correction
KISS KissEnableTcpIp CFG_KISS_TCP_IP true - run KISS TCP/IP server (has priority over Bluetooth, but Bluetooth is NOT going to be disabled), false - disable
PTT PttEnable CFG_PTT_ENABLE true - enable external device PTT control, such as amplifier, false - disable
PTT PttPin CFG_PTT_PIN Relay control pinout
PTT PttTxDelayMs CFG_PTT_TX_DELAY_MS How much to wait before relay switching on and transmission startup
PTT PttTxTailMs CFG_PTT_TX_TAIL_MS How much to wait after transmission completion before switching off the relay
KISS TlmEnable CFG_TLM_ENABLE Enable modem telemetry
KISS TlmBatMonPin CFG_TLM_BAT_MON_PIN Battery monitor ADC pin
KISS TlmBatMonCal CFG_TLM_BAT_MON_CAL Battery voltage calibration correction value (float, volts)