This package uses the teach and repeat technique to teach a certain path while the operator teleoperating the robot and then repeats the path autonomously. See below how you can test the package.
- Ubuntu;
- ROS Humble
Create your workspace:
mkdir -p ~/colcon_ws/src
Access the folder:
cd ~/colcon_ws/src
Clone this package:
git clone
Compile the package:
colcon build
To teach the path use the following command:
ros2 run freedom_vehicle
To repeat the path using the dot-to-dot method:
ros2 run freedom_vehicle
To repeat the path using the Bézier curve-based method:
ros2 run freedom_vehicle
- Launch
- Parâmetro para definir o tipo de robô
- Parâmetros de configuração (distância entre rodas e etc)
- Definir se é frame map ou odom (se vai considerar ou não o mapa)