This code is for MA3137 Special Topics in Robotics. It is a sample code for a drone to take-off and fly to destinations. This code activate a node "main" and the other sensor nodes. Main node publish the topics -- mavros/setpoint_position/local.
- Install virtual box: (or Google:Virtualbox)
- Download the image file:
- import the OVA file (see
account: hypharos
pw: hypharos
- Kuo-Shih Tseng
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2024/02/25
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
Or Download this this code to ~\catkin_ws\src.
Unzip to replace the original code.
$cd catkin_ws
1st terminal:
You have to run the gazebo first.
$roslaunch px4 mavros_posix_sitl.launch
2nd terminal:
Once you have a drone in the gazebo simulator, you can run the sample code.
$ cd ~\catkin_ws\src\UAV\src
$ rosrun UAV main
You can edit src/main.cpp for your project.