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Camera Editor (Heroes)

Igor Seabra edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 1 revision

This page will guide you on using Heroes Power Plant's Camera Editor for working with camera layouts for Sonic Heroes.

Camera Editor

Press F7 or open it from the Editors menu.

Using the Camera Editor

The camera layout editor allows you to add, remove and modify cameras.

  • Camera layouts are contained in sLL_cam.bin or stgLL_cam.bin files in the dvdroot folder. There is one camera file per stage. Each camera is basically a trigger which tells the game where or how to move the camera once the player touches it. A lot of experimenting is necessary if you want your cameras to look right; a single camera entry can look very complex, but you do not need to edit all fields.
  • Camera triggers will be displayed as their shape; you can click on the triggers to select them as long as the mouse mode is set to Camera.
  • For the selected camera, the camera location will be displayed as a pink cube and points A, B and C will be displayed as red, green and blue cubes.
  • Use one of the Copy buttons to copy a coordinate set (either from HPP or from the running Heroes game) and one of the Paste buttons to paste them into the fields. You can also to teleport the player to the trigger position.
  • Note that we don't know 100% about cameras yet, but if you take a look at the original camera files you might be able to understand a bit of it.
  • Know something we don't? Tell us! Don't keep it to yourself.

Recommendations for Custom Camera Files

Keep your camera file simple. There's not need to mess with a bunch of settings that you do not understand.

Camera Editor

This is the camera file for a custom stage. All of the cameras use the exact same settings! And most of them are set to 0. Only their trigger and focus positions are different. The camera detailed in this picture is a simple camera which follows the player while looking at a focus point. I recommend copying this one for use in your level. Play a bit with each of the settings that are changed to understand what they do. The offsets determine how far away the camera is from the player, and point A is where the camera will look at.

Camera Type List

  • 8 - Camera not fixed, looks at player from no specific position
  • 11 - Camera fixed at offset A, looks through player to point A
  • 12 - Camera fixed at Camera Position, looks at player
  • 20 -
  • 21 - Camera starts from Camera Position and moves using point A as a focus reference. Then it moves to point B, using point C as a focus reference. Looks at player
  • 24 - Camera fixed at offset A, looks through player to offset B

Camera Speed List

  • 2 - Camera changes instantly
  • 4 - Camera changes fast
  • 9 - Camera changes smoothly

Activation Type list

  • 0 - Camera is active forever or until overridden by another camera or user input
  • 1 - Camera is active only while player in trigger

Trigger Type list

  • 1 - Plane Trigger width and height is set by scale X and Y. Z should be the area of the plane (X * Y).
  • 2 - Sphere
  • 3 - Cube Scale X, Y and Z set width, height and depth of the area.
  • 4 - Cylinder

Force list

  • 0 - If auto camera, allows player input to move camera from position
  • 1 - If auto camera, player can't move camera until it is deactivated (if this is 1 and activation type is 0, you'll never be able to control the camera yourself again until reaching another camera)