Ensure.That Public
Guard clause project for .NET
mynatsclient Public archive
C# .NET and .NET Core client for NATS
mycouch Public archive
MyCouch is the asynchronous CouchDB client for .NET
jsonnet-contractresolvers Public
Custom contract resolvers for Newtonsoft JSON.Net, supporting e.g. private setters and private constructors.
structurizer Public
Provide Structurizer with an object graph and it efficiently provides key-values for it.
labs-code-quality Public
Simple samples of what you can do to start taking small steps increasing your code quality
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2022 -
serilog-sinks-azureappendblob Public archive
Serilog sink that logs to append blobs in an Azure Storage Account.
dotnet-sqldb Public archive
.NET Core Global Tool using e.g. DbUp to apply Db migrations for SQL-Server
lightnugetserver Public archive
Multi feed enabled, self hosted NuGet Server
jsonnet-privatesetterscontractresolvers Public archive
Replaced with new repo and NuGets: https://github.com/danielwertheim/jsonnet-contractresolvers
myinfluxdbclient Public archive
Simple, async, client for InfluxDb
mycouch.aspnet.identity Public archive
MyCouch.AspNet.Identity - an ASP.Net identity provider for CouchDb and Cloudant
lite-specs Public archive
Contains an opinionated implementation of in-memory specifications, allowing you to report multiple reasons upon why an evaluated specificaton was not "happy".
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 22, 2017 -
requester Public archive
Requester is a Http-request fiddling magical something that is designed to interact with and help you validate web APIs.
tokenserver-adventures Public archive
My Playground for IdentityServer3 samples
nodejsreporter Public archive
Simple sample of using Node.js and Handlebars to create custom YouTrack report.
SisoDb-Samples Public archive
Just some small samples of how SisoDb can be used in some situations.
PreCoord Public archive
Presentation Coordinator for Impress using WebSockets