Contains an opinionated implementation of in-memory specifications, allowing you to report multiple reasons upon why an evaluated specificaton was not "happy".
Define some specifications. Either generic or typed:
static class TestSpecs
static readonly ISpecification<int> AllNumbers = Specification<int>.All;
static readonly ISpecification<int> OddNumbers = Specification.Generic<int>(
i => i % 2 != 0,
"Not an odd integer.");
static readonly ISpecification<int> Ones = Specification.Generic<int>(
i => i == 1,
"Not a 1.");
static readonly ISpecification<int> Threes = Specification.Generic<int>(
i => i == 3,
"Not a 3.");
static readonly ISpecification<VehicleObservation> CanBeObservationOfMotorcycle
= new CanBeObservationOfMotorcycle();
static readonly ISpecification<VehicleObservation> CanBeObservationOfCar
= new CanBeObservationOfCar();
static readonly ISpecification<VehicleObservation> CanBeObservationOfCar2
= Specification.Generic<VehicleObservation>(i =>
if (!i.HasEngine)
return SpecificationIs.NotSatisfied("A car must have an engine.");
if (i.WheelCount != 4)
return SpecificationIs.NotSatisfied("A car must have 4 wheels.");
return SpecificationIs.Satisfied;
public class CanBeObservationOfCar : Specification<VehicleObservation>
public CanBeObservationOfCar() : base(o =>
if (!o.HasEngine)
return SpecificationIs.NotSatisfied("A car must have an engine.");
if (o.WheelCount != 4)
return SpecificationIs.NotSatisfied("A car must have 4 wheels.");
return SpecificationIs.Satisfied;
{ }
public class CanBeObservationOfMotorcycle : Specification<VehicleObservation>
public CanBeObservationOfMotorcycle() : base(
o => o.HasEngine && o.WheelCount == 2,
"It can not be a motorcycle.")
{ }
Use them:
public void Can_combine_specs_to_filter_enumerables()
var combined = TestSpecs
var onesAndThrees = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }.Matching(combined).ToArray();
onesAndThrees.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 3 });
public void Or_Should_provide_a_reason_When_not_satisfied(int value)
var result = TestSpecs.Ones.Or(TestSpecs.Threes).Eval(value);
result.Reasons.Should().BeEquivalentTo("Not a 1.", "Not a 3.");
public void Can_handle_non_satisfying_evaluations()
var r = TestSpecs.CanBeObservationOfCar.Eval(_fourWheelerWithoutEngine);
r.Reasons.Should().BeEquivalentTo("A car must have an engine.");