- [DEA] Show sort icon
- [DEA] Show count results
- Sync concept dropdown on subject settings do not give an option for Decision concepts.
- [DEA] File concept issue
- [Media Viewer] Enhancements
- Self Service Reports : Add a switch to enable metabase setup , button to check sync status and refresh tables [DMP 2024]
- [Visit Scheduling] Should be able to schedule a visit without conditions
- Add ability to identify the location of the form input in concepts page
- Not able to see the individual details on data entry app on prerelease
- Registration of distribution is failing. on drop down search is failing..
- Unable to easily change the dashboard section order
- Identifier assignment issues
- [DEA] General encounters page not rendering
- Creating organisation with same name not handled
- Not able enable or disable analytical db of organisation on staging
- DEA Individual Profile load error - Eligible Programs - NPE
- Downloading bundle not working
- Wrong options while creating a new encounter type
- Remove empty space at bottom of subject types listing page
- Display dates with proper headers
- Display all the groups a member belongs to
- Voided dashboard also displaying
- [Custom Default Dashboard] Filters should display only for the configured subject type
- custom dashboard filter is not working for apfodisha on prerelease
- Location issue
- Regression testing Bug : "Not Enough Identifiers" Despite Valid User Setup
- Group subject filter type not working
- Fastsync locale mapping issue
- Duplicate identifiers on switching mobiles
- [ETL] When same concept used within QG/RQG and outside, ETL fails
- [ETL] Issues with monitoring/testing
- ETL fails when concept recreated with same name
- [ETL] Seems to be failing when address renamed
- ETL should not fail when special characters are present in the names of table, column, dbuser and schema
- #754 | Implementer friendliness for avni
- Being able to configure password expiration interval
- Tech upgrade - Phase 1
- Base default Canned reports setup - Phase 1 - Integration between Avni and Metabase setup
- DEA enhancements - phase 4
- Minor Enhancements