Releases: avniproject/avni-product
- [DEA] Show sort icon
- [DEA] Show count results
- Sync concept dropdown on subject settings do not give an option for Decision concepts.
- [DEA] File concept issue
- [Media Viewer] Enhancements
- Self Service Reports : Add a switch to enable metabase setup , button to check sync status and refresh tables [DMP 2024]
- [Visit Scheduling] Should be able to schedule a visit without conditions
- Add ability to identify the location of the form input in concepts page
- Not able to see the individual details on data entry app on prerelease
- Registration of distribution is failing. on drop down search is failing..
- Unable to easily change the dashboard section order
- Identifier assignment issues
- [DEA] General encounters page not rendering
- Creating organisation with same name not handled
- Not able enable or disable analytical db of organisation on staging
- DEA Individual Profile load error - Eligible Programs - NPE
- Downloading bundle not working
- Wrong options while creating a new encounter type
- Remove empty space at bottom of subject types listing page
- Display dates with proper headers
- Display all the groups a member belongs to
- Voided dashboard also displaying
- [Custom Default Dashboard] Filters should display only for the configured subject type
- custom dashboard filter is not working for apfodisha on prerelease
- Location issue
- Regression testing Bug : "Not Enough Identifiers" Despite Valid User Setup
- Group subject filter type not working
- Fastsync locale mapping issue
- Duplicate identifiers on switching mobiles
- [ETL] When same concept used within QG/RQG and outside, ETL fails
- [ETL] Issues with monitoring/testing
- ETL fails when concept recreated with same name
- [ETL] Seems to be failing when address renamed
- ETL should not fail when special characters are present in the names of table, column, dbuser and schema
- #754 | Implementer friendliness for avni
- Being able to configure password expiration interval
- Tech upgrade - Phase 1
- Base default Canned reports setup - Phase 1 - Integration between Avni and Metabase setup
- DEA enhancements - phase 4
- Minor Enhancements
- [Clearer error message] Bad gateway
- Media selection should work as before without asking access for storage permissions
- [Clearer error message] Catchment not found
- Search Filter Performance Issue of Address Type
- Loading of a form takes more time
- Bugsnag - Dashboard undefined
- Dashboard issues of previous release - part 1
- Missing Address values during re-select
- Sync is not completed for media audio
- [Documentation] Translation for keys with dynamic values
- Rule is not applied until the page get refreshed
- [Performance] POST /api/subject
- Automating question creation in Metabase [DMP 2024]
- CSV upload issues of previous release
- CSV upload issues of previous release
- Do not allow users in pre-release and staging environments to login using password=password (including in different cases) from the web app
- Disallow changing of form element type
- Should be able to delete location type when no locations of that type exist
- When a report card with already existing name created show proper error message
- Make the error message user-friendly
- App designer should not break on invalid glific configuration
- Hide Review button
- Duplicate concept answers breaks concepts page
- [DEA] Unable to edit address
- Issue with upload profile picture
- [DEA] Deleting enrolment and encounter
- Issues arising when creating concepts inline within a form not handled
- [DEA] Location concept support issue
- Organisation Status "Live" or "Archived" not showing in the Status in the Avni Web Console
Issue when adding a sync attribute - Hex code input type missing
- Error on creating a Form element group with a lengthy name
- Minor Issues with user and catchments upload
- Issue with editing of existing locations
- Fix issues with AddressLevelCache
Full Changelog: v10.0.hotfix2...v10.0.1
- Bundle uploads with DueChecklist Cards in Custom Dashboard - avniproject/avni-server#804
- Bundle uploads without ReportCard Icons in Custom Dashboard - avniproject/avni-server#806
Full Changelog: v10.0.hotfix1...v10.0.hotfix2
- Prevent report cards from being unnecessarily updated during bundle upload when configuration hasn't changed - avniproject/avni-server#802
Improvements to DEA usage experience
- Improve subject search performance - avniproject/avni-webapp#763
- Reduce subject profile screen load time - avniproject/avni-webapp#1259
Enhancements to dashboards - Documentation
Support for custom filters on standard report cards
- 'Due' and 'Overdue' standard type cards now support custom filters - avniproject/avni-webapp#1203, avniproject/avni-client#1381, avniproject/avni-client#1382, avniproject/avni-client#1441
- 'Recent' (formerly 'Last 24 hour..') standard type cards now support custom filters - avniproject/avni-webapp#1204, avniproject/avni-webapp#1204, avniproject/avni-webapp#1263, avniproject/avni-client#1436
- 'Total' standard type cards now support custom filters - avniproject/avni-client#1448
- Please also see the appendix.
Support disabling auto refresh on custom dashboards
Enhancements to CSV uploads
Enhancements to Location upload csv - Documentation
- Separate 'Create' and 'Edit' modes, changes to format - avniproject/avni-webapp#1213, avniproject/avni-server#760
- Sample file improvements - #1531, avniproject/avni-webapp#1211
- Handle Location parent updates via UI and csv properly - avniproject/avni-webapp#1217
Enhancements to Users and Catchments upload csv
- File format and validation improvements - avniproject/avni-webapp#1214, avniproject/avni-webapp#1255
- Sample File improvements - avniproject/avni-webapp#1146
- Handling of invalid characters in usernames - avniproject/avni-server#707
- Invalid Glific configuration causing breakage of app designer - avniproject/avni-webapp#1208
- Execute form validation rule on visit cancellation - avniproject/avni-client#1408
- Issues with bundle upload - avniproject/avni-server#770
- DEA breaking when options not set on Duration type concept form element - avniproject/avni-webapp#1219
- Organisation deletion issues - avniproject/avni-server#777
- Display sync settings on users 'show' page - avniproject/avni-webapp#1280
- Audit update on user update - avniproject/avni-server#706
- Remove hardcoding of region in S3 and Cognito services - avniproject/avni-server#83
- Issues with creating super admin user - avniproject/avni-server#750
- Issues with creating entities with names that match voided entities of the same type - avniproject/avni-webapp#858, avniproject/avni-webapp#1209
- Issues while saving changes to form from app designer - avniproject/avni-webapp#1105
- Broken Offline Report Card view link - avniproject/avni-webapp#1256
- Media application automatic restart on server reboot - avniproject/avni-infra#31
- UI fixes in app designer while setting up offline dashboard - avniproject/avni-webapp#1181
Dashboard, report card, filters, and group dashboard added after deployment of 10.0 will not synchronise to the mobile app on version < 10.0.
... for mobile apps on version >= 10.0 these features will work as before and normally. As the users update their mobile app to the newer version the next sync will download any the new reports, filters, dashboards made after 10.0 deployment. For new install of app >= 10.0 will also work normally. This applies to - User Group to Dashboard mapping as well. This implies that while user groups will continue to work normally but any dashboard association / addition made to the User group will not sync to old versions.
Workaround (for implementation and support teams)
This should be exercised only if it is absolutely necessary, ideally only if there are defects that need to be fixed in existing reports/dashboards/filters. It should not be exercised for delivering new reports etc. to the users, as simple app update takes care of this.
Like any other data fix, please get it reviewed before running in production.
The data fix involves setting the last modified date time to be before 10.0 deployment date and after the max last modified date time present on the mobile app for that entity type. Tables involved (dashboard, report_card, dashboard_section, dashboard_filter, dashboard_section_card_mapping & group_dashboard).
In prod environment, "End of life1" is currently set to "2024-09-27", therefore, ensure that you set the last_modified_date_time to a value between and "2024-09-27 00:00:00".
Technical explanation of why this limitation
We have developed a lot of new standard report card types and filter types in release 10.0. The older version of mobile app do not understand these and in some cases the app crashes. Specifically disallowing only the newer card types and filters is technically difficult to implement hence there is a blanket restriction. We are testing the 10.x app to make sure we can avoid putting such limitations in the future.
Criteria to evaluate whether a report_card change is eligible for back-dating through manual data-fix
select *
from report_card
where id in (
<Input your list of report_card ids here>
and (
(standard_report_card_type_id is null OR standard_report_card_type_id not in (5, 4, 9, 6, 7, 8))
AND standard_report_card_input = '{}'
standard_report_card_type_id in (5, 4, 9, 6, 7, 8)
AND standard_report_card_input -> 'programs' = '[]' :: jsonb
AND standard_report_card_input -> 'subjectTypes' = '[]' :: jsonb
AND standard_report_card_input -> 'encounterTypes' = '[]' :: jsonb
standard_report_card_input -> 'recentDuration' is null
OR standard_report_card_input -> 'recentDuration' = '"{\"value\":\"1\",\"unit\":\"days\"}"'
The above query checks that the report card do not have any configuration that would be lost in-case this is first synced to old (<= 9.4 version ) client and then he/she upgrades to a newer version(>= 10.0) of client.
avni-webapp and avni-server
[DEA] Enhance Sync attribute settings - avniproject/avni-server#779
myUserGroups param shows all user groups - avniproject/avni-client#1483
Full Changelog: v9.3.2...v9.4.0
- Fix error while deleting encounters and program encounters from DEA - avniproject/avni-webapp#1318