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Gameplay Guide

Austin Pilz edited this page Aug 24, 2017 · 23 revisions


Important Locations

  • Arena Boundary - Selecting the highest and lowest point of an arena to form a cuboid selection of the entire area encompassing the playable arena, the boundary serves as an important reference point for the game. The boundary is used to ensure game fairness in game protections and assists in keeping players within the arena, allowing them to escape only via escape locations.
  • Waiting Location - The location where players will be sent while waiting for the match to begin.
  • Return Location - The location where players will be sent whenever they leave the waiting lobby and/or when they leave the game. This location can be anywhere, but it's recommended that it is obviously not within the arena map.
  • Jason Starting Location - Separate from regular spawn points, Jason has his own dedicated spawn point which he will appear at the beginning of every game. It's recommended that his spawn location is in his own arena far away from the counselor spawn points to allow them a small amount of time to discover their surroundings.

Spawn Points

Spawn points are locations at which counselors have a random chance of appearing at the beginning of the game. The number of spawn points dictates the number of players able to play within an arena as there is only one counselor allowed per spawn location. You can add additional spawn points to an arena at any time.

There can only be 8 counselors and 1 Jason per game, but it's advised that you add plenty of spawn points (>8) to allow for more randomization of spawn point selection. If you add less than 8 spawn points, then the number of spawn points in that arena will dictate the number of counselors able to join the game.


Taking the form of tripwire hooks, phones allow counselors to bring back a dead counselor as Tommy Jarvis. Tommy experiences no fear, has higher stamina and is equipped with a special weapon. Tommy's mission to the help the other players survive.

Add as many phones to the arena as you'd like, one random phone is selected at the beginning over every game to be the active phone, while the others will not function.


Counselors can "jump" through windows that are glass panes, giving them another way to formulate an escape. To window jump as a counselor, approach a glass pane and click it. You'll need to stand still for 2 seconds, after which you'll be teleported through to the other side. If you're sprinting and jump through a window, you'll be teleported immediately, but will break the window. Breaking a window as a counselor involves receiving damage.

Jason can break windows using his axe to prevent counselors from jumping through them. Just break the glass pane once.


All interactions with special items listed below are reset to their original state after each game.

  • Switches - Redstone levers act as switches in Friday the 13th. Jason has the ability to break switches in an effort to turn off lights, increasing the fear level of counselors. Counselors can repair broken switches by locating "repair wire" in chests and dedicating a little bit of time for repairs.
  • Doors - With the goal of survival in mind, counselors can open and close doors as needed. Jason has the ability to use his axe to break down doors.
  • Windows - Counselors can "use" windows to jump through them in order to aid a faster escape. Normal window use takes a moment and teleports the player to the other side of the glass. If a counselor is running and attempts to "use" the window, they will be immediately teleported, the window will be broken and damage will be applied. Additionally, Jason can break windows with his axe. Counselors will incur damage for using broken windows.


There are two distinct types of chests that can (and should) be added to a Friday the 13th map. Chests are regenerated automatically at the beginning of every game and have varying chances of items appearing in them.

Weapon Chests

Weapon chests contain a variety of weapons generated

  • Blade - Taking the form of a diamond sword,
  • Heavy Axe - Taking the form of an iron axe, this weapon packs a serious punch against whomever comes up against it.
  • Light Axe - Taking the form of a wooden axe, this weapon packs a moderate punch against whomever comes up against it.
  • Gun - Taking the form of a one-time-use bow & arrow, counselors can use this to shoot Jason.
  • Knives - Taking the form of arrows, Jason can use these in combination with his bow in order to "throw knives." These are the only items that Jason can pickup from a weapon chest, the rest are reserved for counselors only.
  • Brittle Branch - Taking the form of a stick, these are guaranteed to at least be in every weapon chest and provide little offensive damage.

Item Chests

  • Antiseptic Spray - Taking the form of a healing potion, the antiseptic spray will regenerate the health of it's user.
  • Repair Wire - Taking the form of redstone, repair wire can be used by counselors to repair broken electronics (ex. switches) that will aid in their escape.
  • Slow Potion - Taking the form of a splash potion of slowness, counselors can choose to either slow down Jason, or sacrifice another counselor in hopes of escape.
  • Radios - Radios allow players to chat with other players who have radios regardless of distance.
  • Traps - Traps found in item chests can be placed by counselors in an attempt to trap Jason. Once placed, they will need to be activated by interacting with them.


Counselor Statistics

Counselors have a variety of statistics that impact their gameplay performance:

  • Stamina - Counselors have a stamina level that is always displayed at the top of their screen. Stamina levels are affected by the speed at which they move, where sneaking takes 1/2 of the stamina depletion rate and sprinting takes 2x the depletion rate. Standing still will regenerate a counselor's stamina level. If a counselor's stamina level reaches empty, their walk speed is reduced and visual impairment is added until the stamina level improves slightly.
  • Fear - Counselors have a fear level which is dictated by the amount of time they've spent in well lit and dark areas, as well as other factors. If the fear level reaches a critical level, visual impairment is applied and stamina will be effected. A counselor's fear level will increase exponentially when Jason is in pursuit of them.

Counselor Abilities

  • Repairs - Counselors can repair broken items such as levers in order to restore power and electricity. Repairing items takes a small amount of time, and when completed launches a firework into the air above their current location.
  • Phones - Counselors can use phones to call Tommy Jarvis to the scene. A dead counselor will be revived and will return the game. See the "Phones" section for more information.
  • Window Jump - Counselors can jump through glass window panes to escape Jason.


Jason's Abilities

  • Stalk - When activated, this ability vanishes Jason from view and lowers his walking speed slightly, allowing him to discretely stalk his victims. Jason can enter stalk mode by hitting shift while walking. Stalking can be used whenever there is an available level.
  • Sense - When activated, this ability highlights all of the players and allows Jason to see them through all terrain and buildings for a limited amount of time. Counselors will only be visible they have a heightened fear level.
  • Warp - When activated, this ability allows Jason to fly for a short amount of time to pursue counselors. The sense ability can be applied before warp in order for Jason to be able to see counselors as he's warping.
  • Breaking - Using his axe, Jason can break certain items such as doors (which require 5 breaks), windows, and switches.

Jason's Weapons

At the beginning of every game, Jason is awarded two weapons to assist him in his revenge of the counselors. Jason is unable to drop these weapons as they can only be used by him.

  • Jason's Axe - This weapon is the most powerful and unbreakable axe in the game, allowing Jason to kill counselors within a few hits.
  • Knives - Comprised of Jason's enchanted bow and arrows, Jason can throw "knives" as counselors.
  • Traps - Jason starts with traps that can be set to catch counselors. The trap is armed when placed. When a counselor gets caught in the trap, Jason receives a message and a temporary inventory item that will allow him to teleport to the tripped trap.


  • Countdown Timer - The game time countdown is displayed in the Action Bar at every whole minute, and then specific seconds before the game ends.
  • Counselor Statistics - Counselors have their fear and stamina levels displayed at the top of their screens via Boss Bars.
  • Jason Abilities - Jason's ability levels are displayed at the top of his screen via Boss Bars. When an ability becomes available for the first time, it will let him know in the Action Bar.
  • Game Scoreboard - Game information including the arena, number of alive/dead players and who is Jason is displayed in the right hand side of the screen for every counselor, Jason and spectator.
  • Hints - Throughout the game, various messages will appear in the Action Bar for players as a way to introduce them to game mechanics and give them helpful hints.


Chat Separation

During gameplay, F13 isolates chat from non-players and players in the game. Messages sent from outside the game will not reach players in the waiting room, playing, or spectating.

Spectators will receive messages from all living counselors and Jason, but messages they send are only received by other spectators to ensure fairness.

Proximity Chat

The counselors and Jason can "hear" one another if they are within a certain distance of one another. Whenever a message is sent by an in-game player, the message will only be received by players close enough to them to "hear" it. If a player sends a message but there are no players close enough to hear it, the message will appear to the sender with "[!]" at the beginning of it, to notify them that it was not received by any additional players.

Counselors can find radios (Nether star) in item chests which allow them to communicate with other radio wielding players, regardless of physical distance. Those with radios are still bound to the rules proximity chat for any players who do not have a radio.

Spectate Mode

Once a counselor dies, they will enter spectate mode if there are other counselors still alive. Spectate mode renders the player invisible and unable to interact with their surroundings. While in spectate mode, players are given an emerald that allows them to select a living counselor to teleport to. Players are fee to leave spectating mode and quit the game at any time.

Open spectating mode was introduced in 1.5, which allows anyone to join spectating mode if they were not a player of the game when it began. Players can execute the spectate command or click the in-game sign to become a spectator. These spectators can leave whenever they'd like.

Game Protections

Friday the 13th ensures fair gameplay by employing the following player protections during every game:

  • Teleport - Players cannot teleport or be teleported during gameplay.
  • Commands - Players can only execute Friday the 13th commands during gameplay.
  • Hunger - Players will not lose health during gameplay and will not have to worry about satiation.