M3T base 3D tracker for real time object tracking with detections from HappyPose, Based on m3t_tracker.
Currently, there is no automated build for m3t_tracker library itself built into the ROS node.
# Optional dependencies used by examples. Awaits ROS Humble sync with new features
vcs import src < src/m3t_tracker_ros/m3t_tracker_examples/deps.repos
rosdep update --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install -y -i --from-paths src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
# parameter --symlink-install is optional
colcon build --symlink-install
This demo tracks given object based on the video input from your webcam.
To launch the demo you need two terminal windows. In the first window run:
ros2 launch m3t_tracker_examples manual_initialization_demo.launch.py mesh_file:=<global path to mesh file>
This will generate spars representation of your object, start M3T tracker, subscribe to your webcam and open RViz window.
For better accuracy you can modify camera_fov
parameter of the launch file.
In the second terminal run:
ros2 run m3t_tracker_examples keyboard_monitor
This node will await your input from the keyboard. Image preview in RViz will overlay an red version of your tracked object over the video stream. Move the object you want to track to align it with its preview in RViz and press space bar to start tracking. The red object will disappear and now, normal version of this object will be show up in the RViz, now tracking it in the space.
Tracker ROS node expects the meshes to be preprocessed before launch. This is done by converting them to Wavefront (.obj) file format and creating binary files with sparse views for Region Model (file format .m3t_rmb) and optionally Depth Model (file format .m3t_dmb).
To preprocess the data you can use following script:
ros2 run m3t_tracker_ros prepare_sparse_views \
--input-path <path to folder containing meshes to convert> \
--output-path <path to folder where converted meshes will be saved> \
--use-depth # optional flag
To see all options use ros2 run m3t_tracker_ros prepare_sparse_views --help
Default values of this script match configuration of the meshes used by HappyPose.
Both real_time_tracker_node and time_catchup_node provide the same API with the same ROS parameters. Refer to documentation below for more details.
m3t_tracker/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Array containing poses from reference/detections topic refined by M3T tracker.
m3t_tracker/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Relied information from reference/vision_info topic.
color/image [sensor_msgs/msg/Image]
Color video stream from a given camera.
depth/image [sensor_msgs/msg/Image]
Depth video stream from a given camera.
color/camera_info [sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo]
Topic used to obtain intrinsic matrix of the color image sensor.
depth/camera_info [sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo]
Topic used to obtain intrinsic matrix of the depth image sensor.
reference/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Detections to be used to initialize tracking.
reference/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Information about the used pose estimator and URL with object database location.
~/set_paramters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
Allows to dynamically change ROS parameters. For more information. For more information, refer to the documentation.
Parameters are generated with generate_parameter_library. Currently, no automatic documentation generation is set up. Refer to m3t_tracker_ros_parameters.yaml for more information.
Note that some of the parameters are possible to tune in the runtime. Refer to the code generation YAML file to see which of them are available.