First, install the packages required for the project
npm install
We are using the Google Sheets API. For that, we created the credentials using Semana da Computação's email on
Then, make sure you have the Google Credentials file to run the project. You must place it on "/app/util/g-credentials.json".
After following the steps above and meeting its requeriments, run in the terminal:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Access the machine via ssh key. For that use:
ssh <user>
Within the machine, access the folder where the site files are. For more information consult the techical members. To make the deploy, you must make sure the main branch is updated. Then, execute the following commands:
sudo docker exec -it 120d50346564 /bin/bash
git pull
yarn build
sudo docker restart 120d50346564