- 🌐 Front End Developer | Web Developer | Android Developer
- 🎨 UI/UX and design professional background
- 🧪 Currently working on AR Projects for educational purposes
- 🚀 Experienced with React Native, ReactJS and NextJS
- 🎓 Undergraduate Computer Scientist at the University of São Paulo (USP)
- 💻 Proficient in C, C++, Javascript, Java and Typescript
- ⚙️ Also, skilled in PHP and C#
- 🗣 Fluent in both Portuguese and English
- 🐧 Linux user
- 🚀 Check out my latest projects in the repositories below!
- Patagon: Plataform developed for the company I currently work as an independent contractor;
- Coorupira: Winning project developed during the Hackathon USP in 2024;
- Symcomp: Web page for the college group Symcomp;
- Yggdrasil3: Management system to keep track of students academic progress on Bachelor Computer Science course at University of São Paulo (USP);
- Bike SP: Project on InterSCity Research to incentivize cyclists to use bicycles on São Paulo;
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 💼 LinkedIn: Jonathas Castilho