Welcome to this Repository
In this Repository, I will be adding solutions of problems from Leetcode.
Here is my leetcode profile https://leetcode.com/sahilaka_coder/
Note1:In each .java file there is question which is elaborated by giving an example and showing output.
Note2:Problem statement and example for each question is taken from LeetCode itself.
If you'd like to contribute to this repository, I welcome your contributions. Feel free to open new issues. You can contribute by adding new programs, improving existing code, fixing bugs, or adding documentation.
Here's how to contribute:
Fork this repository.
Clone it in your local system.
Go through the solutions, I have provided and if you find any bug or any type of issue first raise that issue.
I will see your issue, then I will assign you to work on that issue(if you want) or you can work without i assign you.
Try to resolve the issue in your local system.
Make required changes what you want(means for what you have raised the issue) and push the file which you have changed in your forked repository.
Create a pull request(having proper description like what it's doing and it must contain the link of the issue) I will see your changes and will merge your pull request.