Releases: IanSB/RGBtoHDMI
Beta57 test release
Beta57 test release
Move sync detection to GPU (Improves performance at high pixel clock rates)
Fix issues stopping very high resolution sources from being captured
Fix sync polarity detection when auto sub-profile switching
Add 8 level mono palette
Fix errors calculating overscan in 16bpp modes
Fix screencaps in 16bpp mode when using overscan
Add NEC PC 16-01 profile
Add Meldas CNC9 profile
Update Commodore 64 lumacode profile
Update test profiles
Beta56 Test Release
Beta56 Test Release
This release has a major new feature, a "Select Profile" menu option that makes changing profile a lot easier.
After selecting the option you are presented with a list of manufacturers and after choosing one you are then presented with all profiles for that manufacturer, including profiles for the other CPLD versions as well as the current CPLD.
Profiles that require a different CPLD firmware are prefixed by (BBC), (RGB) or (YUV) as appropriate.
Selecting a profile with no prefix will immediately switch to that profile
Selecting a profile with a prefix will reprogram the CPLD, reboot and select that profile.
There is also a recently used option that keeps a record of the last ten profiles selected.
Other changes:
Auto detection for 2560x1440 monitors, (previously the Pi would not auto detect this resolution)
Some support for 4K monitors:
The pi zeros don't support 4K @50/60Hz so by default RGBtoHDMI will select 1080p@50/60Hz as appropriate when connected to a 4K monitor. This is not ideal as the monitor will interpolate that to 4K resulting in soft edges.
However there are two manual modes to try:
This will give 4K resolution but at half frame rate (which the zero supports) although every other frame will be dropped giving a 'film effect' on smooth motion.
Half_4K 1920x2160@50/60Hz
This is a compromise resolution which is the same height as 4K but half the width and again the Zero can generate that.
This results in integer scaling vertically and interpolated scaling horizontally but as it is a very non standard mode, a lot of monitors and TVs may not support it and give a blank screen etc.
Also it may be displayed as a narrow image in which case you need to change the monitor's scaling to fill the screen (not RGBtoHDMI scaling).
Soft Reset
Pressing SW1 and SW3 together will cause a reboot and this can be useful if the board is plugged into a Pi that doesn't have any reset mods made to it.
No CPLD detection
If you boot up the software with no CPLD board plugged in you will get an error message and the main menu displayed and this can be useful to confirm the software is installed and booting properly if you have a problem when the CPLD is plugged in.
20221221_156e2f0 Release
This is a stable release (from the master branch) and is also available on hoglet's github
(the previous stable release was 24th December 2021)
Improvements (Highlights)
- New NTSC artifact code allows much more accurate emulation of CGA artifact colours which allows the 8088 mph demo to run. Uses code by reenigne, one of the authors of that demo. This code requires a multicore processor and is currently supported on Pi zero 2W, Pi 3, Pi 3+, & Pi 4. Currently not working on Pi zero, Pi 1 and Pi 2 which revert to the old code.
- Add feature for SW3 to cycle NTSC artifact quadrant phases.
- Improved support for CGA and Hercules PC cards
- Fix incorrect Spectrum palettes
- Fix Apple IIGS 14/16 Mhz auto pixel clock switch
- Fix grey screen standby not working on c0pperdragon boards
- Fix erasing of write protected CPLDs (may also require cutting of JP links on underside of board while reprogramming)
- Various other minor profile tweaks and fixes
Additional Profiles
- Add 50Hz Intellivision profile
- Add Harlequin 128K profile (Also Nuvo profile)
- Add Commodore Pet CRTC profile
- Add Philips Videopac C52 profile
- Add Amstrad CPC+ profile
- Add TRS80 model IV profile
- Add EGA Wonder 800+ profile
- Add Spectrum 48K c0pperdragon RGB interface profile (bright colours work)
- Add Spectrum 128 and +2(grey) profile on analog interface (previously only digital interface)
- Add proposed commodore 64 lumacode profile for future c0pperdragon board.
- Add support for PETSCII Robots custom mode on 60Hz C128
Beta55 test release
Beta55 test release:
Fix new multicore NTSC artifact not working on Apple IIc and Apple IIe digital connection
Fix old NTSC artifact glitching on Apple IIc and Apple IIe digital connection with Pi zero
(Apple II analog connection not affected)
Add TRS80 model IV profile
Update various existing profiles
Update resolution files
Add test profiles for use with test jig
Fix multicore NTSC artifact not working on Pi 4
Beta54 test release
Beta54 test release:
Fix Apple II GS mode detection (Auto switching between 14Mhz and 16Mhz profiles was broken since Beta 42)
Fix Hercules and MDA profiles (Now separate profiles together with separate CGA old/new)
Fix erasing write protected CPLDs (may also require cutting of JP links on underside of board while reprogramming)
Fix grey screen standby not working on c0pperdragon boards
Fix issue with non-CPLD board detection
Fix Mac Classic profile
Improve Amstrad CPC+ support
Add Commodore PET profiles (CRTC version not original 2001 type)
Add Videopac 52 profile
Add Tandy CoCo 2 50Hz support
Fix Nascom II profile
Add support for Spectrum 128 and Grey +2 with analog board (Previously only worked with digital board: 128 requires three 1N4148 diodes from bright to RGB, grey +2 will just work with RGB)
Add support for 48K Spectrum with c0pperdragon RGsB interface (bright colours work)
Fix some issues with incorrect colours in hercules/MDA mono mode when otherwise unused RGB inputs driven
As always, you must wipe the SD card when updating to ensure that old palettes and profiles don't get mixed in with new ones.
Beta53 test release
Beta53 test release
Support full CGA NTSC artifact emulation on Pi zero 2W or Pi 3 so 8088mph will run.
This uses code written by reenigne one of the authors of that demo
Four colour modes are also correctly emulated.
(Currently not working on original Pi zero, Pi1, Pi2 or Pi4 which revert to the old code that only decodes mono to 16 colours)
Requires a 16bpp frame buffer and will revert to old code if any other bpp selected
You can also change the NTSC decoding using the Artifact Type setting in the palette menu
Note when artifacts are enabled you can cycle through the four phase quadrants using short presses of SW3
All PC CGA and Apple II profiles have been setup to use the new code on appropriate hardware
Other changes:
Fix Spectrum profiles (bright colours not being decoded correctly)
Support PETSCII Robots custom mode on 60Hz C128
Add 50Hz Intellivision profile
Add Nuvo profile (Spectrum +3 timing)
Add Harlequin profile (Spectrum 48K timing - Untested and may need tweaking)
Add proposed C64 Lumacode format for c0pperdragon
20211224_c97f06a Release
This is a stable release (from the master branch).
(the previous stable release was 17th September 2021)
Improvements (Highlights)
- Offload some of the capure loop to the GPU
- Official Support for Pi Zero 2 W
- Fixes/improvements for Pi 1/2/3/4 (unsupported but should work)
- Single (universal) binary now used for Pi 0-3 models
- Fixes/Improvements to BBC Mode 7 calibration code
- Improvements to Genlock (limit slew rate when changing modes)
- Update to latest Raspberry Pi Foundation Firmware (fixes minor overvoltage issue on Pi Zero)
Additional Profiles
- ABC80 (a Swedish machine)
- Elan Enterprise
- Intellivision
- NEC PC-98 (and Epson clones)
This release is also available on hoglet's github:
Beta52 test release
Beta52 test release
This is a release candidate for the next stable version
Update Pi firmware to latest stable
Update config files
Add genlock slew rate control when changing between interlaced and non interlaced modes
Various minor bug fixes
Beta51 test release
Beta51 test release
This is a release candidate for the next stable version
Upgrade raspberry pi firmware to latest release with overvoltage bug fixed
Identify Pi zero and Pi 1 separately
Beta49 test release
Beta49 test release
This is a release candidate for the next stable version
Fix Commodore 128 profile
Update Enterprise profile
Fix OSD not displayed on screencaps
Fix autocalibrate teletext in 12bpp mode