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Technical Research LMS Moodle API

IT-REX-Platform edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 1 revision

General Information

For researching purposes, our vServer is hosting an instance of Moodle for the devs to experiment on. This instance can be found at from within the University network (use VPN!).

Platform Account Credentials

The following common user accounts are available (more to follow):

User ID Account name Password Informal Role / Capacity
2 admin password Platform administrator (please don't mess up, there is no backup :P)
3 user password Generic student
4 usertwo password Generic student

Moodle API

As of the time of this edit, we're planning on using Moodle's REST API to retrieve relevant data from a linked Moodle platform.

Mandatory preliminary setup

Most of the services and features of Moodle's API that we're going to use are not enabled by default on a fresh instance. To prepare your instance for testing and potentially later on for integration with our IT-Rex platform, these configuration steps are necessary (edit and improve as required):

  • Advanced Features
    • Enable 'Web services'
  • Plugins -> Web Services
    • Enable 'REST' protocol
    • Create external service called "IT-Rex Integration", abbreviated "itrex"
      • Set 'Users' to 'All Users' for example, if all platform users should be allowed to make use of the service; otherwise set 'Authorized users only' and define users
      • Associate Web Service Functions (permitted API calls; see WIP table below)
        • e.g. core_enrol_get_users_courses
  • Create platform Role "IT-Rex User"
    • Context: System
    • Capabilities (just an example; Web Service Functions will tell you which capabilities they require to work):
      • moodle/webservice:createtoken
      • webservices/rest:use

Sample requests

Generate a token for user user with password password for use with external service itrex:

Sample REST request using my service token wstoken=903..e9 to retrieve a list of all courses via wsfunction= that a given user userid=4 is enrolled in:

Note that userid denotes which user I am interested in receiving data about. This does not have to be me, i.e. the user the given token was generated for. In this instance, depending on the roles and capabilities of the user associated with the token, certain information might not be visible.


As part of our efforts to integrate IT-Rex with Moodle, we agreed on coming up with solutions for common problems in e-learning using the Moodle API. These solutions are meant to help facilitate better understanding of the Moodle API's strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately lead to a recommendation and a final decision on whether we are moving forward with the integration or going to have to shoot for alternatives instead.

As per issue ITREX-235, the main tasks are as follows:

  1. Retrieve meta information on a user's courses
  2. Retrieve lecture recordings / videos from a course
  3. Retrieve slide sets from a course
  4. Check / retrieve course membership (i.e. which courses is a given user a member of / who are the members of a given course)

Furthermore, there are the following two low-priority tasks:

  1. Retrieve course appointments / dates
  2. Retrieve quizzes (content)

Proposed Solutions

0. Retrieve user and service information related to web service token


REST call:

Call core_webservice_get_site_info and all of your problems shall be solved.
Only requires the wstoken parameter. Response contains associated user id for subsequent requests.

1. Retrieve meta information on a user's courses


REST call:

REST call parameters:

Parameters Example value Description
wstoken 9d03213a36ba2475cb90a557c1a10e0b The token belongs to the user, it defines which content is displayed. E.g. a request with wstoken of role "Generic student" doesn't show invisible content, but a request with wstoken of role "Platform administrator" does.
wsfunction core_enrol_get_users_courses Response is a list of courses where the user is enrolled.
userid 2 Determines which courses are shown in the response.

Response keys:

KEY Example value Description
id 2 Course ID.
displayname Entwicklungsprojekt IT-REX Course name.
enrolledusercount 3 Number of enrolled users in a course.
visible 1 This setting determines whether the course appears in the list of courses and whether students can access it. Always "1" for students, because invisible courses are always hidden for them, even if they are members. Can be "0" for teachers and managers.
summary <p>Course summary bla bla bla. Text with course summary. Affected by KEY summaryformat.
summaryformat 1 Summary formats: 1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN.
format weeks Possible course formats are: weeks, topics, social, site.
lang en Course language. This value can be empty if course and website language are identical.
startdate 1605225600 This setting determines the start of the first week for a course in weekly format. It also determines the earliest date that logs of course activities are available for. If the course is reset and the course start date changed, all dates in the course will be moved in relation to the new start date.
enddate 1608256800 The course end date is used for determining whether a course should be included in a user's list of courses. When the end date is past, the course is no longer listed in the navigation and is listed as past in the course overview. The course end date may also be used by custom reports. Users can still enter the course after the end date; in other words the date does not restrict access.


  • Only those courses and information are included in the response that are intended for the respective user.
    All meta information that is displayed to the student/lecturer on Moodle can be extracted with this REST call. The main meta-information for the courses is included. However, it has to be clarified if further information is needed.

  • When updating course information, one has to keep track which data is updated, because IT-Rex doesn't update Moodle. Affect synchronisation of data.

  • All course inforamtion can be cached. Course information can be updated as follows:

    1. Manually by lecturer in his IT-Rex course view. (Update button)
    2. Periodic automatic update from IT-Rex backend, e.g. every hour.

2. Retrieve lecture recordings / videos from a course

Assuming the platform has been set up according to the subsection 'Mandatory preliminary setup' on this page, navigate to Plugins -> Web Services and edit the IT-Rex external service. Under 'show more', enable file downloads.
At this point, downloading or retrieving video files from Moodle is a 2-step-process:

  1. First, you fetch a general overview of a given course's contents using core_course_get_contents. REST call example:
  2. Then you extract your content's fileurl from the response. The result is an URL similar to this:
    To be able to complete this request though, it is necessary to append one additional parameter–the user token. This is the same service token used as wstoken in other requests. In order for pluginfile.php to accept the token, the aforementioned enable file downloads setting has to be ticked for the associated service as otherwise the platform will return with a content access violation error.
    The final request will thus become, which yields the requested file.

- Correlation of Moodle course files to IT-Rex structure can be difficult.
- Course structure must be known or predefined (Weekly/Topics/Directions where the slides sets are saved/...).
+ The lecture recordings can be easily procured and through the structure e.g. Weekly/Topic you can extract to which week/topic they should be added in IT-Rex.

3. Retrieve slide sets from a course


(See 2. Retrieve lecture recordings / videos from a course; the process is the same!)
Sample request to download a PDF:

- Correlation of Moodle course files to IT-Rex structure can be difficult.
- Course structure must be known or predefined (Weekly/Topics/Directions where the slides sets are saved/...).
+ The slide sets can be easily procured and through the structure e.g. Weekly/Topic you can extract to which week/topic they should be added in IT-Rex.

4. Check / retrieve course membership

Course membership is derived from 1. If a course is in the list - the user is a member.


  • Every call delivers a lot of extra information, should only be used when needed.

4.1 Check / retrieve user roles in a course

REST call:

REST call parameters:

Parameters Example value Description
wstoken 9d03213a36ba2475cb90a557c1a10e0b The token belongs to the user, it defines which content is displayed. E.g. a request with wstoken of role "Generic student" doesn't show invisible content, but a request with wstoken of role "Platform administrator" does.
wsfunction core_enrol_get_enrolled_users Response is a list of course members and their roles.
userid 2 Determines which courses are shown in the response.

Response keys:

KEY Example value Description
roleid 1 Role ID.
shortname manager Role name.

Final verdict and reasoning

Should we integrate with Moodle at all?: yes
Is data exchange viable?: yes, Moodle -> IT-Rex; other direction has not been evaluated
Is the data model compatible?: compatibility is expected

API Calls documentation (deferred)

Editor's note: Work on documentation has been abandoned as Moodle itself provides a very extensive and thorough documentation on its own API including sample responses here.
The small amount of useful information that has been accumulated here is retained solely for referencing purposes.

The following table aims to track interesting REST routes that we might make use of later on. Moodle's official documentation on these can be found at

Web Service Function Parameters Required capabilities Description
core_enrol_get_users_courses userid (?); Depending on userid, response yields varying levels of detail. Returns a list of courses that a given user is enrolled in.
core_course_get_contents courseid (?) Returns course content overview (incl. URLs for sub-content)
core_course_get_courses (?) (?) Returns list of all courses (no parameter = all courses on platform?); check out core_course_get_courses_by_field to get results by certain criteria
core_course_get_course_module cmid (?) Returns general information on specific course module (e.g. a quiz); not necessarily content!
core_course_get_module id (= cmid) (?) Returns an html fragment representing the specified module; not exactly sure what this is good for
core_enrol_get_enrolled_users courseid (?) to check -- potentially used to fetch user roles
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