My presentations for various events.
Edmonton Python meetup
Every second Monday evening of each month
6:30pm at Startup Edmonton
June 11, 2018: Be prepared to enter the world of AI: Environment setup guide
- Abstract: A through walk though of how to setup local environment for development. Installation of Anaconda and Tensorflow, Sublimettext setup, etc.
- You can also see the details at my Blog
January 14, 2019: wxPython 101 - a quick walkthrough on GUI building for your program
- Abstract: A quick walk through on the wxpython package. Demonstrations on how to make GUI for your program.
- Demo project: Data Science Helper
- A tool specially designed for data scientists/engineers to better view their datasets with various plots.
Edmonton Data Science meetup
Every first Wednesday evening of each month
6:30pm at Startup Edmonton
- April 3, 2019 How to Compete in Kaggle
- Abstract: Introduction to kaggle based on careercon competition. Some eda, a couple of cool visualization packages, and a workflow for how to do data science prediction (from eda to modelling to hyperparameter tuning).
Calgary Python Meetup
Every fourth Wednesday evening of each month
6:30pm at Assembly Co-working Space
October 23, 2019 Python Best Practice
- Abstract: Some advice and code snippets to show what are the best Python Practices. This presentation is aggree to disagree as the so-called "Best Practice" is people's opinion and is accepted by majority but there is always debates.
February 26, 2020 Python Fundamentals - List, Set, Dictionary, and String
- Abstract: A guide for the python list, set, dictionary and string operations and advanced operations
March 25, 2020 Python Fundamentals - Class and OOP
- Abstract: A guide for the python class and OOP concepts
- Demo project: Tic Tac Toe
October 28, 2020 Make Django Admin Great Again - Optimization for table with million rows
- Abstract: A guide for Django admin site optimization for large table
- Recording:
December 6, 2020 Python Bootcamp Week 2 - Python Fundamentals 4
- Series 2 of the Python bootcamp co-organized by GDG CLoud Edmonton and PyYYC
- Testing, Type annotation, Python best practices
- Recording:
May 10, 2022 Python f-string formatting
- Abstract: As an advanced string tool introduced in Python 3.6, it can do way more than you might've thought it would. Today, let's dive deep into f-string formatting and look at the various ways it can help.
- Recording: