To compile use CMake:
- OpenCV:
- SSBA & Sparsesuite: (bundeled with the library in the '3rdparty' directory) (Now optional when using the USE_SSBA=OFF option)
- FLTK 3.x (Optional for GUI):
- Either build SSBA-3.0 first, by compiling it from '3rdparty' directory, or use "-DUSE_SSBA=OFF" with cmake.
On MacOS
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DSSBA_LIBRARY_DIR=../../SSBA-3.0/build -G "Xcode" ..
open SfMToyExample.xcodeproj
On Linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -SSBA_LIBRARY_DIR=../../SSBA-3.0/build -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
On Windows
Use Cmake's GUI to create a MSVC solution, and build it.
USAGE: SfMToyUI.exe <path_to_images> [use rich features (RICH/OF) = RICH] [use GPU (GPU/CPU) = GPU] [down/upscale factor = 1.0]
Here's a place with some standard datasets for SfM: Also, you can use the "Crazy Horse" (A national memorial site in South Dakota) dataset, that I pictured myself, included in the repo.
- Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Hartley, R. I. and Zisserman, A., 2004, Cambridge University Press []
- Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections, N. Snavely, S. M. Seitz, R. Szeliski, IJCV 2007 []
- Triangulation, R.I. Hartley, P. Strum, 1997, Computer vision and image understanding
- Recovering baseline and orientation from essential matrix, B.K.P. Horn, 1990, J. Optical Society of America []
- If you get linker errors "mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in Visualization.obj", you must make sure you are compiling vs. the right VTK static libs (Debug have "-gd" postfix, Release don't).