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refactor: normal creator
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Signed-off-by: Philip Laine <[email protected]>
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phillebaba committed Jan 8, 2025
1 parent 56f62ea commit d83dc83
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Showing 55 changed files with 4,561 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/manifests/zarf.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ components:
# kustomizations can be specified relative to the `zarf.yaml` or as remoteBuild resources with the
# following syntax:
# while ?ref= is not a requirement, it is recommended to use a specific commit hash / git tag to
# ensure that the kustomization is not changed in a way that breaks your deployment.
# image discovery is supported in all manifests and charts using:
Expand Down
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions src/cmd/package.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,16 +139,19 @@ func (o *PackageCreateOptions) Run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SetVariables = helpers.TransformAndMergeMap(
v.GetStringMapString(common.VPkgCreateSet), pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SetVariables, strings.ToUpper)

pkgClient, err := packager.New(&pkgConfig,
if err != nil {
return err
defer pkgClient.ClearTempPaths()

err = pkgClient.Create(ctx)

opt := packager2.CreateOptions{
Flavor: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.Flavor,
RegistryOverrides: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.RegistryOverrides,
SigningKeyPath: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SigningKeyPath,
SigningKeyPassword: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SigningKeyPassword,
SetVariables: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SetVariables,
MaxPackageSizeMB: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.MaxPackageSizeMB,
SBOMOut: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SBOMOutputDir,
SkipSBOM: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.SkipSBOM,
Output: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.Output,
DifferentialPackagePath: pkgConfig.CreateOpts.DifferentialPackagePath,
err := packager2.Create(cmd.Context(), pkgConfig.CreateOpts.BaseDir, opt)
// NOTE(mkcp): LintErrors are rendered with a table
var lintErr *lint.LintError
if errors.As(err, &lintErr) {
Expand Down
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions src/internal/packager2/actions/actions.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-Present The Zarf Authors

// Package actions contains functions for running component actions within Zarf packages.
package actions

import (


// Run runs all provided actions.
func Run(ctx context.Context, basePath string, defaultCfg v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionDefaults, actions []v1alpha1.ZarfComponentAction, variableConfig *variables.VariableConfig) error {
if variableConfig == nil {
variableConfig = template.GetZarfVariableConfig(ctx)

for _, a := range actions {
if err := runAction(ctx, basePath, defaultCfg, a, variableConfig); err != nil {
return err
return nil

// Run commands that a component has provided.
func runAction(ctx context.Context, basePath string, defaultCfg v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionDefaults, action v1alpha1.ZarfComponentAction, variableConfig *variables.VariableConfig) error {
var cmdEscaped string
var err error
cmd := action.Cmd
l := logger.From(ctx)
start := time.Now()

// If the action is a wait, convert it to a command.
if action.Wait != nil {
// If the wait has no timeout, set a default of 5 minutes.
if action.MaxTotalSeconds == nil {
fiveMin := 300
action.MaxTotalSeconds = &fiveMin

// Convert the wait to a command.
if cmd, err = convertWaitToCmd(ctx, *action.Wait, action.MaxTotalSeconds); err != nil {
return err

// Mute the output because it will be noisy.
t := true
action.Mute = &t

// Set the max retries to 0.
z := 0
action.MaxRetries = &z

// Not used for wait actions.
d := ""
action.Dir = &d
action.Env = []string{}
action.SetVariables = []v1alpha1.Variable{}

if action.Description != "" {
cmdEscaped = action.Description
} else {
cmdEscaped = helpers.Truncate(cmd, 60, false)

// TODO(mkcp): Remove message on logger release
spinner := message.NewProgressSpinner("Running \"%s\"", cmdEscaped)
// Persist the spinner output so it doesn't get overwritten by the command output.
l.Info("running command", "cmd", cmdEscaped)

actionDefaults := actionGetCfg(ctx, defaultCfg, action, variableConfig.GetAllTemplates())
actionDefaults.Dir = filepath.Join(basePath, actionDefaults.Dir)

if cmd, err = actionCmdMutation(ctx, cmd, actionDefaults.Shell); err != nil {
spinner.Errorf(err, "Error mutating command: %s", cmdEscaped)
l.Error("error mutating command", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "err", err.Error())

duration := time.Duration(actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds) * time.Second
timeout := time.After(duration)

// Keep trying until the max retries is reached.
// TODO: Refactor using go-retry
for remaining := actionDefaults.MaxRetries + 1; remaining > 0; remaining-- {
// Perform the action run.
tryCmd := func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Try running the command and continue the retry loop if it fails.
stdout, stderr, err := actionRun(ctx, actionDefaults, cmd, spinner)
if err != nil {
if !actionDefaults.Mute {
l.Warn("action failed", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "stdout", stdout, "stderr", stderr)
return err
if !actionDefaults.Mute {
l.Info("action succeeded", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "stdout", stdout, "stderr", stderr)

outTrimmed := strings.TrimSpace(stdout)

// If an output variable is defined, set it.
for _, v := range action.SetVariables {
variableConfig.SetVariable(v.Name, outTrimmed, v.Sensitive, v.AutoIndent, v.Type)
if err := variableConfig.CheckVariablePattern(v.Name, v.Pattern); err != nil {
return err

// If the action has a wait, change the spinner message to reflect that on success.
if action.Wait != nil {
spinner.Successf("Wait for \"%s\" succeeded", cmdEscaped)
l.Debug("wait for action succeeded", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "duration", time.Since(start))
return nil

spinner.Successf("Completed \"%s\"", cmdEscaped)
l.Debug("completed action", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "duration", time.Since(start))

// If the command ran successfully, continue to the next action.
return nil

// If no timeout is set, run the command and return or continue retrying.
if actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds < 1 {
spinner.Updatef("Waiting for \"%s\" (no timeout)", cmdEscaped)
l.Info("waiting for action (no timeout)", "cmd", cmdEscaped)
if err := tryCmd(ctx); err != nil {
continue retryCmd

return nil

// Run the command on repeat until success or timeout.
spinner.Updatef("Waiting for \"%s\" (timeout: %ds)", cmdEscaped, actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds)
l.Info("waiting for action", "cmd", cmdEscaped, "timeout", actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds)
select {
// On timeout break the loop to abort.
case <-timeout:
break retryCmd

// Otherwise, try running the command.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, duration)
defer cancel()
if err := tryCmd(ctx); err != nil {
continue retryCmd

return nil

select {
case <-timeout:
// If we reached this point, the timeout was reached or command failed with no retries.
if actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("command %q failed after %d retries", cmdEscaped, actionDefaults.MaxRetries)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("command %q timed out after %d seconds", cmdEscaped, actionDefaults.MaxTotalSeconds)
// If we reached this point, the retry limit was reached.
return fmt.Errorf("command %q failed after %d retries", cmdEscaped, actionDefaults.MaxRetries)

// convertWaitToCmd will return the wait command if it exists, otherwise it will return the original command.
func convertWaitToCmd(_ context.Context, wait v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionWait, timeout *int) (string, error) {
// Build the timeout string.
timeoutString := fmt.Sprintf("--timeout %ds", *timeout)

// If the action has a wait, build a cmd from that instead.
cluster := wait.Cluster
if cluster != nil {
ns := cluster.Namespace
if ns != "" {
ns = fmt.Sprintf("-n %s", ns)

// Build a call to the zarf tools wait-for command.
return fmt.Sprintf("./zarf tools wait-for %s %s %s %s %s",
cluster.Kind, cluster.Name, cluster.Condition, ns, timeoutString), nil

network := wait.Network
if network != nil {
// Make sure the protocol is lower case.
network.Protocol = strings.ToLower(network.Protocol)

// If the protocol is http and no code is set, default to 200.
if strings.HasPrefix(network.Protocol, "http") && network.Code == 0 {
network.Code = 200

// Build a call to the zarf tools wait-for command.
return fmt.Sprintf("./zarf tools wait-for %s %s %d %s",
network.Protocol, network.Address, network.Code, timeoutString), nil

return "", fmt.Errorf("wait action is missing a cluster or network")

// Perform some basic string mutations to make commands more useful.
func actionCmdMutation(ctx context.Context, cmd string, shellPref v1alpha1.Shell) (string, error) {
zarfCommand, err := utils.GetFinalExecutableCommand()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err

// Try to patch the zarf binary path in case the name isn't exactly "./zarf".
cmd = strings.ReplaceAll(cmd, "./zarf ", zarfCommand+" ")

// Make commands 'more' compatible with Windows OS PowerShell
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && (exec.IsPowershell(shellPref.Windows) || shellPref.Windows == "") {
// Replace "touch" with "New-Item" on Windows as it's a common command, but not POSIX so not aliased by M$.
// See &
// for more details.
cmd = regexp.MustCompile(`^touch `).ReplaceAllString(cmd, `New-Item `)

// Convert any ${ZARF_VAR_*} or $ZARF_VAR_* to ${env:ZARF_VAR_*} or $env:ZARF_VAR_* respectively (also TF_VAR_*).
envVarRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<envIndicator>\${?(?P<varName>(ZARF|TF)_VAR_([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+)}?)`)
get, err := helpers.MatchRegex(envVarRegex, cmd)
if err == nil {
newCmd := strings.ReplaceAll(cmd, get("envIndicator"), fmt.Sprintf("$Env:%s", get("varName")))
// TODO(mkcp): Remove message on logger release
message.Debugf("Converted command \"%s\" to \"%s\" t", cmd, newCmd)
logger.From(ctx).Debug("converted command", "cmd", cmd, "newCmd", newCmd)
cmd = newCmd

return cmd, nil

// Merge the ActionSet defaults with the action config.
func actionGetCfg(_ context.Context, cfg v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionDefaults, a v1alpha1.ZarfComponentAction, vars map[string]*variables.TextTemplate) v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionDefaults {
if a.Mute != nil {
cfg.Mute = *a.Mute

// Default is no timeout, but add a timeout if one is provided.
if a.MaxTotalSeconds != nil {
cfg.MaxTotalSeconds = *a.MaxTotalSeconds

if a.MaxRetries != nil {
cfg.MaxRetries = *a.MaxRetries

if a.Dir != nil {
cfg.Dir = *a.Dir

if len(a.Env) > 0 {
cfg.Env = append(cfg.Env, a.Env...)

if a.Shell != nil {
cfg.Shell = *a.Shell

// Add variables to the environment.
for k, v := range vars {
// Remove # from env variable name.
k = strings.ReplaceAll(k, "#", "")
// Make terraform variables available to the action as TF_VAR_lowercase_name.
k1 := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(k), "zarf_var", "TF_VAR")
cfg.Env = append(cfg.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v.Value))
cfg.Env = append(cfg.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k1, v.Value))

return cfg

func actionRun(ctx context.Context, cfg v1alpha1.ZarfComponentActionDefaults, cmd string, spinner *message.Spinner) (string, string, error) {
l := logger.From(ctx)
shell, shellArgs := exec.GetOSShell(cfg.Shell)

// TODO(mkcp): Remove message on logger release
message.Debugf("Running command in %s: %s", shell, cmd)
l.Debug("running command", "shell", shell, "cmd", cmd)

execCfg := exec.Config{
Env: cfg.Env,
Dir: cfg.Dir,

if !cfg.Mute {
execCfg.Stdout = spinner
execCfg.Stderr = spinner

stdout, stderr, err := exec.CmdWithContext(ctx, execCfg, shell, append(shellArgs, cmd)...)
// Dump final complete output (respect mute to prevent sensitive values from hitting the logs).
if !cfg.Mute {
// TODO(mkcp): Remove message on logger release
message.Debug(cmd, stdout, stderr)
return stdout, stderr, err

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