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When and for what purpose do we use Django?

Django is a powerful web framework for building web applications using the Python programming language. It is designed to help developers build web applications quickly and efficiently, with a focus on scalability, reusability, and maintainability.

Django is used for a wide range of web development tasks, including:

  1. Building database-driven web applications: Django comes with an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) that makes it easy to work with databases. This allows developers to build complex, data-driven applications with ease.

  2. Rapid prototyping: Django's built-in admin interface allows developers to quickly create a web interface for managing data in their application. This makes it easy to prototype new ideas and experiment with different data models.

  3. Building RESTful APIs: Django provides powerful tools for building APIs that can be consumed by other applications or services. This makes it easy to build a backend for a mobile app or a web service.

  4. Building content management systems: Django comes with built-in tools for managing content, making it a popular choice for building blogs, news sites, and other content-driven websites.

  5. Building e-commerce sites: Django's flexible architecture makes it easy to build e-commerce sites with complex workflows and payment processing.

Overall, Django is a versatile framework that can be used for a wide range of web development tasks. Its focus on best practices, security, and maintainability make it a popular choice for building large-scale web applications.

1. What is Django?

Django is a high-level web framework written in Python that enables the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites and web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and encourages the use of reusable code by providing a rich set of libraries and tools. Django is known for its "batteries included" philosophy, which means that it includes everything needed to build a web application, such as authentication, URL routing, template rendering, and database migrations.

2. What are some benefits of using Django for web development?

Here are some benefits of using Django for web development:

  1. Rapid development: Django is a high-level web framework that provides a lot of functionality out of the box, allowing developers to build web applications quickly.

  2. Security: Django has built-in security features, such as protection against SQL injection attacks and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

  3. Scalability: Django is designed to handle high traffic and large amounts of data. It also supports vertical and horizontal scaling.

  4. Versatility: Django can be used to build a variety of web applications, from simple blogs to complex social networks.

  5. Customizability: Django allows developers to customize every aspect of their application, from the database structure to the URL routing.

  6. Community support: Django has a large and active community of developers, which means there are many resources available for learning and problem-solving.

  7. Built-in administrative interface: Django provides a built-in administrative interface that allows developers to easily manage their application's data.

  8. Compatibility: Django is compatible with a wide range of databases, web servers, and operating systems.

  9. MVC architecture: Django follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture pattern, which makes it easier to develop and maintain large-scale applications.

  10. Template system: Django has a powerful template system that allows developers to easily create reusable templates for their application's UI.

3. What is an MVC architecture, and how does it relate to Django's Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture?

MVC (Model-View-Controller) and MVT (Model-View-Template) are both architectural patterns commonly used in web development.

In MVC, the Model represents the data and business logic of the application, the View is responsible for presenting the data to the user, and the Controller handles user input and updates the Model and View as necessary.

Django's MVT architecture is a variation of MVC. In MVT, the Model is responsible for data storage and retrieval, the View handles data presentation and user interaction, and the Template is used to generate the final HTML output that is sent to the client.

In Django, the Controller functionality is handled by the framework itself, and there is no separate component called the Controller. Instead, the framework's built-in URL routing and request/response handling mechanisms take care of the Controller responsibilities, leaving the developer to focus on implementing the Model, View, and Template components.

Overall, both MVC and MVT provide a way to separate concerns and make it easier to maintain and extend a web application.

4. What is an ORM, and how does Django's ORM work?

ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping, which is a technique for mapping data between a relational database and an object-oriented programming language. It allows developers to interact with a database using an object-oriented syntax, instead of writing raw SQL queries.

Django has a built-in ORM that follows the Active Record pattern, where each model in the application maps to a table in the database. The ORM provides an abstraction layer over the database that allows developers to interact with it using Python code, making it easier to work with databases.

The Django ORM provides an API for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database, as well as advanced features like querysets, transactions, and database migrations. It also provides a powerful query syntax for filtering, sorting, and aggregating data, which is called the QuerySet API.

The ORM in Django is designed to be database-agnostic, meaning that it can work with different database engines such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite without requiring developers to write different code for each database engine.

5. How do you create a new Django project?

To create a new Django project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.

  3. Run the following command:

    django-admin startproject project_name

    Replace project_name with the name of your project.

  4. This will create a new directory with the name project_name, and a few files and directories inside it. The most important file is, which contains the configuration settings for your project.

That's it! You now have a new Django project ready to go.

6. How do you create a new Django app within a project?

To create a new Django app within a project, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Django project.

  2. Run the following command:

python startapp <app_name>

Replace <app_name> with the name you want to give your new app.

  1. This will create a new directory with the same name as the app in your project directory, and several files within it.

  2. Open the file in your project directory and add the name of your new app to the INSTALLED_APPS list:

  1. You can now start adding models, views, and other functionality to your new app.

7. What is a Django view, and how do you create one?

In Django, a view is a Python function that processes an incoming HTTP request and returns an HTTP response. It is responsible for processing the request and returning the appropriate response, which could be a rendered template, a JSON response, or a redirect to another page.

To create a Django view, you can define a Python function that takes a request object as its first parameter, and any additional parameters as needed, and returns an HTTP response. Here's an example:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def hello_world(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, world!")

In this example, the hello_world function takes a request parameter and returns an HttpResponse object with the text "Hello, world!". This function can be mapped to a URL pattern in the project's file, so that it can be accessed by a client via a web browser or other HTTP client.

8. What is a Django template, and how do you create one?

In Django, a template is a text file that defines the structure and presentation of a web page. It specifies how the data should be displayed to the user, and what information should be included on the page. Django uses its own templating language that allows developers to write dynamic web pages with a mix of HTML, CSS, and Python code.

To create a Django template, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory called templates within your Django app directory.
  2. Within the templates directory, create another directory with the same name as your app.
  3. Within the app directory, create a new file with the .html extension. This file will contain the HTML code for your template.
  4. Define the structure of your web page within the HTML code, and use Django's templating language to add dynamic content.

Here is an example of a simple Django template that uses the {{ }} syntax to display dynamic content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Web Page</title>
    <h1>Hello, {{ name }}!</h1>
    <p>Welcome to my web page.</p>

In this example, the {{ name }} syntax will be replaced with the value of the name variable when the template is rendered.

9. How do you create a database table in Django?

In Django, you can create a database table by defining a model class in one of your app's file.

Here's an example of a simple model class that defines a database table:

from django.db import models

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    age = models.IntegerField()

This model defines a Person table in the database with two fields: name and age. The models.Model class is the base class for all models in Django, and it provides many built-in fields like CharField, IntegerField, DateField, and so on.

After defining a model, you need to run the following command to create the table in the database:

python makemigrations
python migrate

The first command generates the SQL code to create the table, and the second command applies the SQL code to the database.

10. What are Django models, and how do you define one?

In Django, a model is a Python class that represents a database table. It allows you to define the fields of a table, their types, and their relationships with other tables. Models provide an interface for creating, updating, and querying records in the database.

To define a model in Django, you create a subclass of django.db.models.Model and specify the fields you want to include. Here is an example model definition for a blog post:

from django.db import models

class Post(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    content = models.TextField()
    published_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

In this example, the Post model has four fields: title, content, published_at, and author. The title field is a CharField with a maximum length of 200 characters. The content field is a TextField that can store an unlimited amount of text. The published_at field is a DateTimeField that is automatically set to the current time when a new post is created. Finally, the author field is a ForeignKey that relates the Post model to the built-in User model, indicating that each post has an author who is a user in the system.

11. How do you create a form in Django?

To create a form in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define a form class that inherits from django.forms.Form or django.forms.ModelForm.
  2. Define the form fields as attributes on the form class, using classes from django.forms (e.g. CharField, IntegerField, ChoiceField, etc.) to specify the type of input.
  3. Optionally, specify validation logic for the form fields by defining methods on the form class that begin with clean_.
  4. In the view function that will handle the form submission, instantiate the form with the request data (e.g. form = MyForm(request.POST)).
  5. Check if the form is valid by calling its is_valid() method.
  6. If the form is valid, process the data and redirect the user to a new page. If the form is not valid, re-render the form with validation errors.

Here's an example:

from django import forms
from .models import MyModel

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = ('field1', 'field2', 'field3')

    field1 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
    field2 = forms.IntegerField()
    field3 = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[('option1', 'Option 1'), ('option2', 'Option 2')])

    def clean_field2(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['field2']
        if data < 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Field 2 must be a positive integer')
        return data

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from .forms import MyForm

def my_view(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = MyForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Process the data and redirect to a new page
            return redirect('success')
        form = MyForm()
    return render(request, 'my_template.html', {'form': form})

In this example, MyForm defines a form with three fields: field1, which is a character field with a maximum length of 100 characters, field2, which is an integer field, and field3, which is a choice field with two options. clean_field2 is a method that defines validation logic for field2, ensuring that it is a positive integer.

In the view function my_view, the form is instantiated with request.POST, which contains the data submitted by the user. If the form is valid, the user is redirected to a success page. If the form is not valid, the user is presented with the form again, along with any validation errors.

Can you use django forms in DRF?

Yes, Django forms can be used in Django Rest Framework (DRF). You can define a form in Django and use it in DRF by creating a serializer that inherits from serializers.Serializer and using the form fields as serializer fields. Here is an example:

from django import forms
from rest_framework import serializers

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    name = forms.CharField()
    email = forms.EmailField()
    message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)

class MySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    name = serializers.CharField()
    email = serializers.EmailField()
    message = serializers.CharField()

    def create(self, validated_data):
        form = MyForm(validated_data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Process the form data and return a new object
            return ...
            # Handle the invalid form data

In this example, MyForm defines a form with three fields: name, email, and message. MySerializer defines a serializer with the same three fields, which are mapped to the form fields. In the create method of the serializer, the form is instantiated with the validated data, and the form is checked for validity. If the form is valid, the form data can be processed and a new object can be returned. If the form is invalid, the invalid data can be handled as needed.

12. How do you handle user authentication in Django?

Django provides built-in authentication and authorization functionality through its django.contrib.auth module.

To handle user authentication, you can use Django's built-in LoginView class-based view, which provides a login page that authenticates users and redirects them to a specified URL upon successful authentication. Here's an example of how to use LoginView:

from django.contrib.auth.views import LoginView

class MyLoginView(LoginView):
    template_name = 'myapp/login.html'
    success_url = '/myapp/dashboard/'

In the above example, MyLoginView is a custom view that inherits from LoginView and overrides the default template and success URL.

To restrict access to specific views or functionality based on user authentication, you can use Django's login_required decorator or the LoginRequiredMixin mixin. For example:

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

def my_view(request):
    # View code here

class MyProtectedView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
    template_name = 'myapp/protected.html'

In the above examples, my_view is a function-based view that uses the login_required decorator to restrict access, while MyProtectedView is a class-based view that uses the LoginRequiredMixin mixin. Both will redirect unauthenticated users to the login page.

13. What are Django signals, and how do you use them?

Django signals are a way for decoupling various parts of a Django application by allowing certain senders to notify a set of receivers that an action has taken place. In other words, a signal is like a trigger that gets fired when a certain event occurs in the Django application.

For example, Django provides a built-in signal called pre_save which is sent just before a model is saved. We can attach a receiver function to this signal that gets called every time an instance of that model is about to be saved.

Here is an example of using pre_save signal:

from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from myapp.models import MyModel

@receiver(pre_save, sender=MyModel)
def my_handler(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    # Do something with the instance before it is saved

In this example, my_handler function is connected to the pre_save signal of the MyModel model using the @receiver decorator. When an instance of MyModel is about to be saved, my_handler function will be called automatically.

Django signals can be used in various ways, such as sending email notifications, creating audit logs, updating search indexes, and more.

14. How do you perform database migrations in Django?

Database migrations in Django are used to manage changes to your application's models and schema. Migrations allow you to keep your database schema in sync with your models, as you make changes to your application over time.

To perform database migrations in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make changes to your models: Start by making changes to your application's models, such as adding, removing, or modifying fields.

  2. Generate a migration: After you've made changes to your models, you can create a new migration file using the makemigrations management command. This will generate a new migration file based on the changes you've made to your models.

    python makemigrations
  3. Review the migration: Before applying the migration, it's a good idea to review the changes that will be made. You can use the sqlmigrate command to view the SQL statements that will be executed for the migration.

    python sqlmigrate <app_label> <migration_name>
  4. Apply the migration: Once you're satisfied with the migration, you can apply it to your database using the migrate management command.

    python migrate
  5. Check the migration status: You can use the showmigrations management command to check the status of your migrations.

    python showmigrations

Django also provides a range of additional tools and features for managing migrations, such as version control, schema inspection, and dependency resolution.

15. How do you optimize the performance of a Django web application?

There are several ways to optimize the performance of a Django web application. Here are some common ones:

  1. Use caching: Caching can greatly improve the performance of a web application by storing frequently accessed data in memory. Django provides built-in support for caching, with various backends available such as Memcached and Redis.

  2. Use a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN can improve the performance of a web application by caching and delivering static assets, such as images and videos, from servers closer to the user. Django can be configured to use a CDN for serving static files.

  3. Use pagination: When dealing with large amounts of data, it is a good practice to use pagination to split the data into smaller chunks. This reduces the load on the database and improves the performance of the application.

  4. Use database indexing: Indexing can improve the performance of database queries by allowing the database to quickly find the required data. Django provides a simple way to define indexes in models.

  5. Use asynchronous views: Asynchronous views can improve the performance of a web application by allowing it to handle multiple requests simultaneously. Django provides support for asynchronous views using the async and await keywords.

  6. Optimize database queries: One of the common causes of performance issues in web applications is inefficient database queries. Django provides a powerful ORM that can generate complex SQL queries. However, it is important to optimize these queries by using the select_related and prefetch_related methods to reduce the number of database queries.

  7. Use a production-ready server: Django development server is not suitable for production use. Instead, it is recommended to use a production-ready server such as Gunicorn, uWSGI, or Apache with mod_wsgi.

These are just some of the ways to optimize the performance of a Django web application. The specific optimizations required will depend on the specific application and its requirements.

16. What are some common security risks associated with Django web applications, and how can you mitigate them?

There are several common security risks associated with Django web applications, including:

  1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks: These occur when an attacker injects malicious scripts into a website, allowing them to steal user data or hijack sessions. To mitigate this risk, Django provides a built-in feature called "auto-escaping," which automatically escapes characters that could be used in an XSS attack.

  2. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks: These occur when an attacker tricks a user into executing an unintended action on a website. To mitigate this risk, Django provides a built-in CSRF protection mechanism that generates and validates unique tokens for each request.

  3. SQL injection attacks: These occur when an attacker injects malicious SQL code into a database query, allowing them to access or modify sensitive data. To mitigate this risk, Django provides a built-in ORM that automatically sanitizes input and prevents SQL injection attacks.

  4. Authentication and authorization vulnerabilities: These occur when user authentication and authorization are not properly implemented, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive data. To mitigate this risk, Django provides a built-in authentication system that handles user registration, login, and logout, as well as a built-in authorization system that controls access to resources based on user permissions.

  5. Session hijacking: These occur when an attacker steals a user's session ID and uses it to gain access to the user's account. To mitigate this risk, Django provides a built-in session management system that securely stores session data and generates new session IDs on login and logout.

To mitigate these security risks, it is important to follow best practices for Django web application development, such as using strong passwords, using HTTPS to encrypt sensitive data, limiting access to sensitive resources, and keeping software up-to-date with security patches. It is also recommended to perform regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.

17. What is Django REST framework, and how does it work?

Django REST Framework (DRF) is a powerful toolkit for building web APIs using the Django framework. It provides a set of tools and patterns for building APIs that are both easy to use and highly scalable.

DRF works by providing a set of classes and functions that allow developers to define API endpoints in a clear and concise way. This includes serializers for converting complex data types to and from JSON or other formats, views for handling HTTP requests and responses, and routers for automatically generating URLs based on the available views.

One of the key features of DRF is its support for authentication and authorization, which allows developers to secure their APIs using a wide range of methods, including tokens, sessions, and OAuth2.

DRF also includes a number of other features that make it easy to build complex, scalable APIs, including support for pagination, filtering, and versioning. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with other Django features such as the ORM and the admin interface, making it easy to build complete web applications with a consistent API layer.

18. How do you handle file uploads in Django?

To handle file uploads in Django, you can use the built-in FileField and ImageField model fields, which allow you to upload and store files and images respectively. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Add a FileField or ImageField to your model:
from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    file = models.FileField(upload_to='uploads/')
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='uploads/')
  1. Create a form that allows file uploads:
from django import forms
from .models import MyModel

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = ['title', 'file', 'image']
  1. Create a view that handles the form submission:
from django.shortcuts import render
from .forms import MyForm

def upload_file(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = MyForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect('success')
        form = MyForm()
    return render(request, 'upload.html', {'form': form})
  1. Create a template that displays the form:
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <button type="submit">Upload</button>

Note that you need to set the enctype attribute of the form to multipart/form-data in order to handle file uploads. Also, don't forget to include the {% csrf_token %} template tag to protect against CSRF attacks.

19. How do you test a Django application?

Testing is an important part of software development, and Django provides several ways to test your application. Here are some ways to test a Django application:

  1. Unit tests: Unit tests are used to test the smallest units of code in your application, such as individual functions or methods. In Django, you can use the built-in unittest module or third-party testing frameworks like pytest to write unit tests.

  2. Integration tests: Integration tests are used to test how different parts of your application work together. In Django, you can use the built-in LiveServerTestCase to test how your application interacts with a web browser.

  3. Functional tests: Functional tests are used to test the functionality of your application from a user's perspective. In Django, you can use third-party frameworks like Selenium or Splinter to write functional tests.

  4. Performance tests: Performance tests are used to test how well your application performs under load. In Django, you can use third-party frameworks like Locust or Gatling to write performance tests.

To run tests in Django, you can use the command test. This command will run all the tests in your application and generate a report of the results. You can also run specific tests by specifying the test module or test case.

It's important to note that testing is not a one-time activity, but rather an ongoing process throughout the development cycle. By writing and running tests regularly, you can ensure that your application is working as expected and catch any issues before they make it to production.

20. What are some best practices for Django development?

Here are some best practices for Django development:

  1. Use the latest version of Django: Always use the latest version of Django to take advantage of the latest features and security patches.

  2. Follow the DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself. Avoid duplicating code or logic. Instead, use Django's built-in features, like template inheritance and generic views, to keep your code concise and maintainable.

  3. Keep your code modular: Use the app structure to keep your code modular and easy to maintain. Each app should have a clear purpose and should be self-contained.

  4. Use version control: Use a version control system, like Git, to keep track of changes to your code. This allows you to revert changes, collaborate with others, and keep a history of your project.

  5. Use a virtual environment: Use a virtual environment, like Virtualenv or Pipenv, to isolate your project's dependencies. This ensures that your project runs smoothly and consistently, regardless of the dependencies installed on your system.

  6. Use environment variables: Use environment variables to store sensitive information, like passwords and API keys. This prevents this information from being exposed in your codebase.

  7. Use caching: Use caching to speed up your application. Django provides several caching backends, like Memcached and Redis, that can be easily integrated into your project.

  8. Use pagination: Use pagination to limit the amount of data returned by your views. This reduces the load on your server and improves the user experience.

  9. Use automated testing: Use automated testing to ensure that your code works as expected. Django provides a built-in testing framework that makes it easy to write and run tests.

  10. Follow the security best practices: Follow the security best practices, like using SSL/TLS, hashing and salting passwords, and validating user input to prevent attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

These are just a few of the best practices for Django development. By following these practices, you can create maintainable, scalable, and secure Django applications.

21. What is MVT?

Yes, Django uses a Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture. In this architecture, models represent the database schema and business logic, views handle request processing and response generation, and templates render HTML output. The MVT architecture helps keep code organized and maintainable, allowing developers to work on specific components of the web application independently.

22. What are Django channels, and how do you use them?

Django Channels is a third-party package that extends Django to handle WebSockets and other asynchronous protocols. It provides a channel layer abstraction that allows you to write asynchronous code that communicates with different parts of your application over a network.

With Django Channels, you can add real-time features to your Django applications, such as chat applications, notifications, and live updates. It uses the ASGI interface to handle WebSockets and other asynchronous protocols, which provides better performance and scalability compared to traditional Django applications that use WSGI.

Here are some key concepts related to Django Channels:

  • Consumers: These are the main building blocks of your application that handle WebSocket connections and other asynchronous events. Consumers are Python functions or classes that receive messages from a channel and perform some actions based on the message.
  • Channels: These are communication pathways that connect different parts of your application. Channels can be used to send messages between consumers, as well as between Django and other external systems.
  • Routing: This is the process of directing incoming messages to the appropriate consumers. Django Channels uses a routing configuration to map incoming messages to the appropriate consumer based on the message type and other criteria.
  • ASGI: This is the interface that Django Channels uses to handle asynchronous requests. ASGI stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, and it provides a standard interface for handling asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket requests in Python.

To use Django Channels in your Django project, you need to install the package and configure the routing and channels layers. You also need to define consumers to handle incoming messages and connect to external services, such as databases or message brokers, as needed.

Sure, here's an example of using Django Channels:

Suppose you want to implement a real-time chat application in Django. Here's how you can use Django Channels to achieve that:

  1. Install Django Channels using pip:
pip install channels
  1. Add Channels to your Django project by adding the following to the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project's file:
    # ...
    # ...
  1. Create a new Django app for your chat application:
python startapp chat
  1. Create a file in your chat app:
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer
import json

class ChatConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):
    async def connect(self):
        await self.accept()

    async def disconnect(self, close_code):

    async def receive(self, text_data):
        text_data_json = json.loads(text_data)
        message = text_data_json['message']

        # Send message to other clients
        await self.channel_layer.group_send(
                'type': 'chat_message',
                'message': message

    async def chat_message(self, event):
        message = event['message']

        # Send message to WebSocket
        await self.send(text_data=json.dumps({
            'message': message
  1. In your file, define the URL routing for your chat app:
from django.urls import re_path

from . import consumers

websocket_urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r'ws/chat/$', consumers.ChatConsumer.as_asgi()),
  1. In your project's file, add the following:
ASGI_APPLICATION = '<project_name>.asgi.application'
    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "channels.layers.InMemoryChannelLayer"
  1. Start the Django development server and run a WebSocket server using Daphne (a production-ready ASGI server):
daphne -p 8000 <project_name>.asgi:application
  1. Open two browser windows and go to the same URL http://localhost:8000/chat/. In each window, type a message in the chat input box and press "Enter". You should see the messages appear in both windows in real-time.

This is just a basic example of how to use Django Channels. You can extend this example to implement more advanced features such as private messaging, online status, and message persistence.


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