本内容是Andrew NG的 My Machine Learning Yearning 1-22章内容的翻译及其原稿.
人工智能(AI),机器学习(Machine Leaning)和深度学习(Deep learning)正在改变众多行业。我一直在写此书——Machine Learning Yearning,来教你如何构建机器学习项目。
阅读完Machine Learning Yearning之后,你将能够:
- 为人工智能项目最有前途的方向设立优先级
- 诊断机器学习系统中的错误
- 在复杂设置中构建机器学习,例如不匹配的训练集/测试集
- 建立一个可以人类比较或超越人类表现的机器学习项目
- 了解何时以及如何应用端到端学习(end-to-end learning),迁移学习(transfer learning)和多任务学习(multi-task learning)
从历史上看,学习如何制定这些“策略”决策的唯一方法是在研究生课程或公司中做多年的学徒。我正在写的Machine Learning Yearning可以帮你快速的获得这项技能,以便你可以更好地构建人工智能系统。
—— 吴恩达(Andrew Ng)
17. 如果你有一个很大的开发集,将它分成两个,而且你只看一个
20. 偏差(Bias)和方差(Variance):错误的两大来源
- Addressing Bias and Variance
- Bias vs. Variance tradeoff
- Techniques for reducing avoidable bias
- Techniques for reducing Variance
- Error analysis on the training set
- Diagnosing bias and variance: Learning curves
- Plotting training error
- Interpreting learning curves: High bias
- Interpreting learning curves: Other cases
- Plotting learning curves
- Why we compare to human-level performance
- How to define human-level performance
- Surpassing human-level performance
- Why train and test on different distributions
- Whether to use all your data
- Whether to include inconsistent data
- Weighting data
- Generalizing from the training set to the dev set
- Addressing Bias, and Variance, and Data Mismatch
- Addressing data mismatch
- Artificial data synthesis
- The Optimization Verification test
- General form of Optimization Verification test
- Reinforcement learning example
- The rise of end-to-end learning
- More end-to-end learning examples
- Pros and cons of end-to-end learning
- Learned sub-components
- Directly learning rich outputs
- Error Analysis by Parts
- Beyond supervised learning: What’s next?
- Building a superhero team - Get your teammates to read this
- Big picture
- Credits