The ultimate platform to predict malnutrition and its relapse in children under five years of age. Our ML models were fitted with 800.000+ registers of children at ICBF.
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Clone the repo
git clone
Create virtual enviroment (please verify you have venv in your system)
python3 -m venv dashDS4
Activate virtual enviroment
source dashDS4/bin/activate
install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run proyect
In case you install a new dependencies, update requirements.txt
python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
docker build -t docker-ds4 .
docker run docker-ds4 -p 8080:8080
- Setting default region
gcloud config set run/region northamerica-northeast1
- Setting gcloud google container registry
gcloud builds submit --tag --project=ds4all-deploy
- Setting deploy with cloud run
gcloud run deploy --image --platform managed --project=ds4all-deploy --allow-unauthenticated --memory=8Gi --cpu=2
- Creating user for github actions please configure secrets with this info
- Daniel Ramírez
- David Quintero
- Julián Monsalve
- Natalia Monroy
- Nicolás Cabrera
- Yonny Nova