golang gin course
Lets go to learning Gin !`
- login with username and password in route https://gin-videoss.herokuapp.com/login , username sakura_endo and password: sakura_endo with postman for get token
- access to https://gin-videoss.herokuapp.com/view/videos
- if videos is not show, it means the video hasn't been uploaded yet
- can upload with use postman and use this route http://gin-videos.herokuapp.com/api/posts , but use Bearer token for authorization in postman > authorization > bearer token , token that is got from the previous login
- after filling authentication with Bearer (token) then fill json body like this
"title" : "how to become master golang",
"description":"how to fast become master of golang under 1 years!",
"first_name" :"sakura",
"email":"[email protected]"
- link video video links are obtained from embed YouTube
- and click send at postman
- if success create new videos, check on https://gin-videoss.herokuapp.com/view/videos , then the uploaded video will appear