Xillion Authorization is an Authorization Policy Framework based on Amazon's IAM and Resource policies.
It allows for decentralized, highly flexible security access control.
This is work in progress. See test/
for examples of usage.
use Xillion\Core\Resource;
use Xillion\Authorization\Action;
use Xillion\Authorization\PolicySerializer\JsonPolicySerializer;
use Xillion\Authorization\PolicyLoader\JsonPolicyLoader;
// The authorization context keeps track of policies, and can perform authorization checks
$context = new Context();
// What action is going to be performed?
$action = new Action('s3', 'ListBucket');
// Who is going to perform the action?
$identity = new Identity('AWS', 'xrn:aws:iam::AWS-account-ID:user/bob');
// What resource is the action going to be performed on?
$resource = new Resource('xrn:aws:s3:eu-west-1:12345:some-bucket');
// Load policies from a file
$loader = new JsonPolicyLoader();
$policy = $loader->load(__DIR__ . '/resource-policy1.json');
// Add the loaded policy to the context
$context->addResourcePolicy($resource, $policy);
// Check if the identity is allowed to perform the action on the resource
if ($context->isAllowed($identity, $resource, $action))) {
echo "Action is allowed on this resource by this identity";
} else {
echo "Action is denied on this resource by this identity";
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