This is web app to control another devices audio capabilities.
This is useful in case your main audio device is a computer and you do not want the display to be on.
Current functionalities:
- Press Play/Pause Button
- Start a file (preferably a playlist)
- Play a sound effect (eg roaring of a dragon while having a dragon encounter on your P&P table)
- Supported file formats are WAV and mp3
On app start you are required to give two information.
- A file dialog opens to select the folder with the files
- A console window opens asking for the file ending to search for
The webapp is available at localhost:80
and via ip adress within your local network.
The ip adresses are shown in the console as well.
To close the webapp press Ctrl + C within the Console or close the console window.
For each startable file with the correct file ending there will be a button with the filename as display text.
Install poetry package
pip install poetry
Install poetry environment
poetry install
Start the app
poetry run python remote-control/
You can find the latest exe in the releases.