BehaveAsSakura is a behavior tree implementation for .NET and Unity. BehaveAsSakura provides several features to build multiplayer networking games with behavior trees easier.
- Behavior trees are event-driven to avoid traversal of entire trees every frame and improve execution performance significantly.
- Traversal of trees and execution of tasks are deterministic which means simulations on client and server will give exactly the same result.
- Description of behavior tree is serialized with FlatBuffers so it is insanely fast to load trees into memory.
- Internal states of behavior trees are also serializable in case a full synchronization is necessary.
- A intuitive visual editor is provided in Unity with runtime debugging support.
Build the solution and copy assemblies under BehaveAsSakura\bin
directory into your project.
Copy BehaveAsSakuraUnity\Assets\BehaveAsSakura
directory into your Unity project.
A behavior tree description contains the tree structure of various tasks and description of tasks which are modifiable during runtime. There are two ways to create a behavior tree description.
One is create it with Unity Editor:
- Create a behavior tree asset from menu Assets -> Create -> BehaveAsSakura Behavior Tree.
- Select the new asset and it will open the editor window and custom inspector of tree description.
- Right click on the entry node and select Create task -> Action -> Log in context menu.
- Select the new task and it will open the custom inspector of task.
- Edit the Message field and the behavior tree asset is saved automatically.
Another one is create a description from the fluent API.
// Build tree description via fluent API
var treeBuilder = new BehaviorTreeBuilder();
d => d.Message = "Start waiting"))
d => d.Time = new VariableDesc(VariableType.UInteger, VariableSource.LiteralConstant, "3000")))
.AppendChild(builder.Leaf<LogTaskDesc>(d =>
d.Message = "End waiting"));
var treeDesc = treeBuilder.Build();
// Write tree description into file
BehaviorTreeSerializer.Initialize(new FlatBuffersSerializer());
var bytes = BehaviorTreeSerializer.SerializeDesc(treeDesc);
File.WriteAllBytes("path/to/tree.bas", bytes);
BehaveAsSakura is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.