QuestItem addon for vanilla World of Warcraft.
If you have ever had a quest item you have no idea which quest it belongs to, and if it safe to destroy, this AddOn is for you. QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to.
QuestItem now has a configuration screen you can access by typing /questitem
or /qi
at the chat prompt. Here you can configure some of the functionallity
as well as do manual mapping of unidentified items.
If you've made a mistake with a manual mapping, you can change it by holding
down the Shift key while clicking.
QuestHistory addon is recommended.
- Identify quest items when picked up.
- Show quest name and status in tooltip for quest items.
- Will try to identify items picked up before the AddOn was installed.
- Identified items are available for all your characters, and status is unique for your character.
- Displays how many items are needed to complete quest, and how many you currently have.
- Manual mapping for unidentified items (right click) in item list.
- Edit of manual mapping for items (shift + right click).
- Change quest status for items in the item list (alt + left click).
- Configuration
- Haven't figured a way to open questlog for items in bank bags