University of Washington Tacoma
1. Install the Container Profiler
2. Here the common use cases for applying the Container Profiler to profile a container
The Container Profiler can be used as a tool to profile an application or workflow by taking interval snapshots of a collection of linux resource utilization metrics throughout the course of the job. These snapshots are then stored as JSON data which can then be used to see how the metrics changed once the job is finished.
In order to use the Container Profiler, a container with an application/workflow/script to be run and profiled is needed. Use of Linux as the Docker host operating system is recommended.
ContainerProfiler includes bash scripts to profile the resource utilization on VM level, container level and process level and to compute the delta statistics of resource utilization between two time instances. Detailed usage of the profiler script can be found in the YouTube video linked below (demo scripts can be found in profiler_demo directory).
Authors: Wes Lloyd & Huazeng Deng & Ling-hong Hung & Varik Hoang
Version: 0.3
Prerequisite: Linux host operating system (recommended)
The text below describes the metrics captured by the script for profiling resource utilization on the virtual machine (VM) level, container level and process level. A complete metrics description spreadsheet can be found at
Attribute | Description |
vCpuTime | Total CPU time (cpu_user+cpu_kernel) in centiseconds (cs) (hundreths of a second) |
vCpuTimeUserMode | CPU time for processes executing in user mode in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuTimeKernelMode | CPU time for processes executing in kernel mode in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuIdleTime | CPU idle time in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuTimeIOWait | CPU time waiting for I/O to complete in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuTimeIntSrvc | CPU time servicing interrupts in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuTimeSoftIntSrvc | CPU time servicing soft interrupts in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuContextSwitches | The total number of context switches across all CPUs |
vCpuNice | Time spent with niced processes executing in user mode in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuSteal | Time stolen by other operating systems running in a virtual environment in centiseconds (cs) |
vCpuType | The model name of the processor |
vCpuMhz | The precise speed in MHz for thee processor to the thousandths decimal place |
vDiskSectorReads | The number of disk sectors read, where a sector is typically 512 bytes, assumes /dev/sda1 |
vDiskSectorWrites | The number of disk sectors written, where a sector is typically 512 bytes, assumes /dev/sda1 |
vDiskSuccessfulReads | Number of disk reads completed succesfully |
vDiskMergedReads | Number of disk reads merged together (adjacent and merged for efficiency) |
vDiskReadTime | Time spent reading from the disk in millisecond (ms) |
vDiskSuccessfulReads | Number of disk reads completed succesfully |
vDiskSuccessfulWrites | Number of disk writes completed succesfully |
vDiskMergedWrites | Number of disk writes merged together (adjacent and merged for efficiency) |
vDiskWriteTime | Time spent writing in milliseconds (ms) |
vMemoryTotal | Total amount of usable RAM in kilobytes (KB) |
vMemoryFree | The amount of physical RAM left unused by the system in kilobytes (KB) |
vMemoryBuffers | The amount of temporary storage for raw disk blocks in kilobytes (KB) |
vMemoryCached | The amount of physical RAM used as cache memory in kilobytes (KB) |
vNetworkBytesRecvd | Network Bytes received assumes eth0 in bytes |
vNetworkBytesSent | Network Bytes written assumes eth0 in bytes |
vLoadAvg | The system load average as an average number of running plus waiting threads over the last minute |
vPgFault | type of exception raised by computer hardware when a running program accesses a memory page that is not currently mapped by the memory management unit (MMU) into the virtual address space of a process |
vMajorPageFault | Major page faults are expected when a prdocess starts or needs to read in additional data and in these cases do not indicate a problem condition |
vId | VM ID (default is "unavailable") |
currentTime | Number of seconds (s) that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT) |
Attribute | Description |
cCpuTime | Total CPU time consumed by all tasks in this cgroup (including tasks lower in the hierarchy) in nanoseconds (ns) |
cProcessorStats | Self-defined parameter |
cCpu${i}TIME | CPU time consumed on each CPU by all tasks in this cgroup (including tasks lower in the hierarchy) in nanoseconds (ns) |
cNumProcessors | Number of CPU processors |
cCpuTimeUserMode | CPU time consumed by tasks in user mode in this cgroup in centiseconds (cs) |
cCpuTimeKernelMode | PU time consumed by tasks in kernel mode in this cgroup in centiseconds (cs) |
cDiskSectorIO | Number of sectors transferred to or from specific devices by a cgroup |
cDiskReadBytes | Number of bytes transferred from specific devices by a cgroup in bytes |
cDiskWriteBytes | Number of bytes transferred to specific devices by a cgroup in bytes |
cMemoryUsed | Total current memory usage by processes in the cgroup in bytes |
cMemoryMaxUsed | Maximum memory used by processes in the cgroup in bytes |
cNetworkBytesRecvd | The number of bytes each interface has received |
cNetworkBytesSent | The number of bytes each interface has sent |
cId | Container ID |
Attribute | Description |
pId | Process ID |
pNumThreads | Number of threads in this process |
pCpuTimeUserMode | Total CPU time this process was scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) |
pCpuTimeKernelMode | Total CPU time this process was scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) |
pChildrenUserMode | Total time children processes of the parent were scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks |
pChildrenKernelMode | Total time children processes of the parent were scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock ticks |
pVoluntaryContextSwitches | Number of voluntary context switches |
pNonvoluntaryContextSwitches | Number of involuntary context switches |
pBlockIODelays | Aggregated block I/O delays, measured in clock ticks |
pVirtualMemoryBytes | Virtual memory size in bytes |
pResidentSetSize | Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory. This is just the pages which count toward text, data, or stack space. This does not include pages which have not been demand-loaded in, or which are swapped out |
pNumProcesses | Number of processes inside a container |
The Container Profiler has been designed to operating where Linux is the host operating system. The tool may be operable on other platforms besides Linux but has not been tested. For best results, use of a Linux host operating system is recommended.
Video Channel:
- Getting Started with the Container Profiler tool - Part 1 & Part 2
- Profiling a bash script with the Container Profiler - Link
- Profiling applications with the Container Profiler using the install script - Link
- Graphing Resource Utilization with the Container Profiler tool - Link
- Profiling and graphing resource utilization of pgbench, the postgresql database benchmark - Link
git clone
Building the ContainerProfiler should be completed using a Linux environment where Docker has been preinstalled.
sudo ./
sudo docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/OUTPUT_DIR profiler:custom profile -o /OUTPUT_DIR SET_OF_TASKS
For example:
sudo docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/data profiler:custom profile -o /data "sleep 5; ls -al"
OUTPUT_DIR: the directory that holds profiling files in JSON format
The idea is to add the '-t' argument to specify a time series sampling interval. (e.g. '-t 1' for 1-second sampling)
sudo docker run --rm
profiler:custom profile -t TIME_INTERVAL -o /OUTPUT_DIR SET_OF_TASKS
For example:
sudo docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/data profiler:custom profile -t 1 -o /data "sleep 5; ls -al"
You will need access to the Dockerfile used to build your container. The idea is that your container will already be configured to run a specified task or application, and we simply want to integrate the container profiler so it is easy to profile. The idea is to point to the folder containing your Dockerfile and any other dependencies.
For example:
sudo ./ -d docker/sysbench.docker
FROM ubuntu:20.04
MAINTAINER varikmp<[email protected]>
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y sysbench \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENTRYPOINT ["sysbench"]
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
For example:
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
profiler:sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --max-requests=4000 run
The idea is to add the '-t' argument to specify a time series sampling interval. (e.g. '-t 1' for 1-second sampling)
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
For example:
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-t 1 -o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
profiler:sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --max-requests=4000 run
How do I build a container that integrates the ContainerProfiler to profile software where I provide an installation script
Here the installation script should install all software dependencies required to run the application. It is not necessary to preface installation commands with 'sudo'.
For example:
sudo ./ -i docker/
# do NOT remove this command
apt-get update
# fill up your additional steps for the package installation
apt-get install -y build-essential gcc nano git \
sysbench && echo "test"
# remove unnecessary build packages for execution
apt-get remove -y gcc build-essential nano git
# clean up the installation
apt-get autoclean -y && apt-get autoremove -y --purge && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && rm -rf /var/cache/apk*
You will be asked to enter an entry point based on the software you attempt to install in your install script. The entry point is the name of the command (without any arguments) that will be run. For example, if the installation script installs sysbench, then the name of the command will be 'sysbench'. Later, when running the container you do not need to specify the command again, but just the arguments that are to be passed to the command.
After the container name 'profiler:sysbench' you will need to specify the command line arguments for the application being profiled.
Short Name | Long Name | Optional | Descriptions |
-o | --output-directory | No | specify the output directory for profiling files in JSON format |
-m | --metric-level | Yes | specify the metric levels (v: virtual machine, c: container, p: process) |
-t | --time-steps | Yes | specify the time steps between two instance times |
-c | --clean-up | Yes | clean up the profiling files from the previous run |
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
For example:
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
profiler:sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --max-requests=4000 run
6. How do I perform time series sampling of the task or application installed using the installation script
After the container name 'profiler:sysbench' you will need to specify the command line arguments for the application being profiled.
In addition, add the '-t' argument to specify a time series sampling interval. (e.g. '-t 1' for 1-second sampling)
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
For example:
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=profile \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-t 1 -o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
profiler:sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --max-requests=4000 run
After receiving profiling files from the previous step, we run the delta option to generate delta statistics in JSON format.
Short Name | Long Name | Optional | Descriptions |
-i | --input-directory | No | specify the input directory for calculating aggregate values in JSON format |
-o | --output-directory | No | specify the output directory for calculating aggregate values in JSON format |
-a | --aggregate-config-file | Yes | specify the aggregate configuration file |
-c | --clean-up | Yes | clean up the aggregate files from the previous run |
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=delta \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-i /data -o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
We need to specify the directory that holds statistic files. Those files are generated from the delta tool.
Short Name | Long Name | Optional | Descriptions |
-i | --input-directory | No | specify the input directory of aggregate files |
-o | --csv-output-file | No | specify the output file for CSV file generation |
-w | --overwrite | Yes | overwrite the CSV file from the previous run |
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=csv \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-i /data -o /data/delta.csv" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
The tool generate the graphs based on the statistic file in CSV format. Also, we can provide the metric configuration file for the graphs.
Short Name | Long Name | Optional | Descriptions |
-r | --csv-input-file | No | specify the aggregate CSV file |
-m | --metric-input-file | Yes | specify the metric file specifying metrics for graphing |
-g | --graph-output-directory | No | specify the output directory for graph images |
-s | --single-plot | Yes | plot single curve on a graph |
sudo docker run --rm \
-e TOOL=graph \
-e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-i /data -o /data" \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
Starting from a fresh checkout of the ContainerProfiler sources, here is how to build a separate Container with a benchmark application (sysbench), and then use the ContainerProfiler to profile resource utilization.
# From ContainerProfiler checkout directory
# build ContainerProfiler
sudo ./
# Create a new Docker container to encapsulate sysbench for benchmarking:
mkdir sysb
# Create Dockerfile for sysbench container:
gedit sysb/sysbench
Here is the content of the sysbench Docker container:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y sysbench
Next build the sysbench Docker container integrating the ContainerProfiler tool:
# build sysbench container integrating ContainerProfiler
sudo ./ -d docker/sysbench.docker
FROM ubuntu:20.04
MAINTAINER varikmp<[email protected]>
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y sysbench \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENTRYPOINT ["sysbench"]
Now perform delta resource utilization profiling to measure resource consumption of running sysbench. All output files will go under local data directory.
# make data directory
mkdir data
# profile sysbench
sudo docker run --rm -e TOOL=profile -e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-o /data" -v ${PWD}/data:/data profiler:sysbench \
'sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000000 --num-threads=2 --max-requests=10 run'
# calculate delta values
sudo docker run --rm -e TOOL=delta -e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-i /data -o /data" -v ${PWD}/data:/data profiler:sysbench
# create csv output
sudo docker run --rm -e TOOL=csv -e TOOL_ARGUMENTS="-w -i /data -o /data/output.csv" -v ${PWD}/data:/data \
Under the data directory, inspect the raw resource utilization sampling files which should be named using unique date/time stamps. Also you will find the delta JSON and delta CSV output files. Static.json contains attributes sampled by the ContainerProfiler that do not change.