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Go package to produce tippecanoe-compatible input using the go-whosonfirst-iterwriter and go-writer-featurecollection packages.

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Go package to produce tippecanoe-compatible input using the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterwriter and whosonfirst/go-writer-featurecollection packages.


Documentation is incomplete at this time


$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/features cmd/features/main.go


Emit features derived from a whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterator instance as JSON-L or a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

$> ./bin/features -h
    	Replace Feature properties with Who's On First Standard Places Result (SPR) derived from that feature. (default true)
    	Be "forgiving" of failed writes, logging the issue(s) but not triggering errors	
    	Include alternate geometry files in output.
  -iterator-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v3 URI. (default "repo://")
  -monitor-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/go-timings URI. (default "counter://PT60S")
    	Require that geometry type be 'Polygon' or 'MultiPolygon' to be included in output.
  -spr-append-property value
    	Zero or more properties in a given feature to append to SPR output
  -writer-uri value
    	One or more valid whosonfirst/go-writer/v2 URIs, each encoded as a URI.

Local data

Generate a PMTiles database of all the records in a local checkout of the sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst repository:

$> bin/features \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=featurecollection://?writer=stdout://' \
	/usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst/ \
	| tippecanoe -zg -o wof.pmtiles
For layer 0, using name "wof"
2022/11/23 18:39:31 time to index paths (1) 22.630520632s
1586 features, 68185835 bytes of geometry, 1663363 bytes of separate metadata, 3052364 bytes of string pool
Choosing a maxzoom of -z2 for features typically 345007 feet (105158 meters) apart, and at least 29034 feet (8850 meters) apart
Choosing a maxzoom of -z9 for resolution of about 537 feet (163 meters) within features
tile 0/0/0 size is 1442119 with detail 12, >500000    
tile 0/0/0 size is 1195585 with detail 11, >500000    
tile 0/0/0 size is 980818 with detail 10, >500000    
tile 0/0/0 size is 813356 with detail 9, >500000    
tile 0/0/0 size is 673514 with detail 8, >500000    
tile 1/1/0 size is 910427 with detail 12, >500000    
tile 1/0/0 size is 763555 with detail 12, >500000    
tile 1/1/0 size is 799283 with detail 11, >500000    
tile 1/0/0 size is 619950 with detail 11, >500000    
tile 1/1/0 size is 696214 with detail 10, >500000    
tile 1/1/0 size is 589930 with detail 9, >500000    
tile 2/1/1 size is 570412 with detail 12, >500000    
tile 2/2/1 size is 724332 with detail 12, >500000    
tile 2/2/1 size is 648960 with detail 11, >500000    
tile 2/2/1 size is 584143 with detail 10, >500000    
  99.9%  9/409/233  

To take advantage of parallel reads in tippecanoe be sure to use the whosonfirst/go-writer-jsonl writer (instead of featurecollection). For example:

$> ./bin/features \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=jsonl://?writer=stdout://' \
	/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us \

	| tippecanoe -P -zg -o us.pmtiles --drop-densest-as-needed

Remote data

Generate a PMTiles database of all the records from repositories in the sfomuseum-data organization with a prefix of sfomuseum-data-maps:

$> ./bin/features \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=jsonl://?writer=stdout://' \
	-iterator-uri 'org:///tmp' \
	'sfomuseum-data://?prefix=sfomuseum-data-maps' \
	| tippecanoe -zg -o sfomuseum.pmtiles
For layer 0, using name "sfomuseum"
2022/11/23 18:57:25 time to index paths (1) 2.758176132s
2022/11/23 18:57:25 time to index paths (1) 3.040810943s
38 features, 2793 bytes of geometry, 5975 bytes of separate metadata, 13994 bytes of string pool
Choosing a maxzoom of -z7 for features typically 4537 feet (1383 meters) apart, and at least 735 feet (224 meters) apart
  99.9%  7/20/49

Data for use with whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-pmtiles

To generate a MBTiles database suitable for converting to a Protomaps PMTiles database for use with the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-pmtiles package it is helpful to specify the -require-polygons and -as-spr flags. These will exclude features that don't have a geometry of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon" and replace they keys and values in a feature's properties element with a Standard Place Result instance, respectively. This will greatly reduce the size of the final database.

Likewise, pass the -pf and -pk flags to tippecanoe to ensure no features are excluded from the MBTiles database. I also like to specify a fixed zoom level; 12 is usually a good balance between the number of features in a given tile and the total number of tiles.

$> ./bin/features \
	-as-spr \
	-require-polygons \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=jsonl://?writer=stdout://' \
	/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us/ \

	| tippecanoe -P -z 12 -pf -pk -o us.pmtiles

Note: As of this writing the go-whosonfirst-spatial-pmtiles doesn't play well with alternate geometry features (which are included by specifying the -include-alt-files flag).

Appending addition properties to SPR output

Pass zero or more -spr-append-property flags to append addition properties from a feature to SPR output. Paths may be relative or absolute. For example:

$> bin/features \
	-as-spr \
	-require-polygons \
	-spr-append-property 'properties.src:geom' \
	-spr-append-property wof:hierarchy \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=jsonl://?writer=stdout://' \

For a more complete example take a look at the docker/ script in the go-whosonfirst-spatial-pmtiles package.

Filtering data

You can limit features to be included in the final output by appending filtering parameters to the -iterator-uri paramater. For details consult the filtering documentation in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterator package here:

Considerations when reading data from an org:// iterator

If you are fetching data from multiple GitHub repositories using the org:// iterator you may want to assign the ?_max_procs=2 parameter (as in org:///tmp?_max_procs=2) especially if you are running the code from a machine with lots of CPUs. By default the go-whosonfirst-iterator code will process as many sources are there are CPUs concurrently.

Normally this is not a problem but if you are fetching very large repositories (like whosonfirst-data-admin-us) and, say, seven other small repositories (on an 8-CPU machine) that will cause enough network traffic that Go will eventually start emitting "STREAM" errors and the iterator will fail.

It seems as this behaviour can be adjusted by configuring the http.Client instance but I haven't figured out where, or even if it's possible, to do this in the underlying Git package.

As with all things the details will vary depending on the environent you are working in. You might be able to get away with ?_max_procs=3 or higher but the point is there is an upper limit to the number of (large) repositories that can be read over the wire in parallel.

Anecedotaly, generating a PMTiles database for all the whosonfirst-data-admin- repositories, at zoom level 13, on a machine with 8 cores (see notes above) takes between 12-24 hours and produces a final database that is a little over 9GB in size. At least half that time appears to be tippecanoe doing it's thing. Any tips or pointers on how to speed things up would be welcome but those numbers may just be "the cost of doing business" for the time being.

See also


Go package to produce tippecanoe-compatible input using the go-whosonfirst-iterwriter and go-writer-featurecollection packages.






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