Various helpers for testing your redux-sagas.
Wrap your saga in the assertSaga(yourSaga)
call and then use the fluent syntax to perform various assertions on its behaviour.
/ justRespondsToLatest
/ justRespondsToEvery
- assert that the tested saga responds to the leading (/latest, /every) action (or actions) with the specified handler and does absolutely nothing else. The actions in the assert (and the actual watcher saga) can be in any order.
- assert that the tested saga spawns the specified sagas (in any order) and does absolutely nothing else (no puts, no calls, no forks).
You have to use the typesafe-actions
library for the asserts to work correctly, as they make use of the library-specific getType()
function (it operates on action creators, returning their returned action type string).
Anton Chistov – [email protected]