Service Type:
The main concept of media content API is to provide information about multimedia contents stored in the your personal zone's devices.
To install the media content API you will need to npm the node module inside the webinos pzp.
For end users, you can simply open a command prompt in the root of your webinos-pzp and do:
npm install
For developers that want to tweak the API, you should fork this repository and clone your fork inside the node_module of your pzp.
cd node_modules
git clone<your GitHub account>/webinos-api-mediaContent.git
cd webinos-api-mediaContent
npm install
To discover the service you will have to search for the "" type. Example:
var serviceType = "";
webinos.discovery.findServices( new ServiceType(serviceType),
onFound: serviceFoundFn,
onError: handleErrorFn
function serviceFoundFn(service){
// Do something with the service
function handleErrorFn(error){
// Notify user
Alternatively you can use the webinos dashboard to allow the user choose the media content API to use. Example:{
}).onAction(function successFn(data){
if (data.result.length > 0){
// User selected some services
Once you have a reference to an instance of a service you can use the following methods:
###findItem(successCB, errorCB, params)
To obtain a list of media items in a specific directory, use findItem method
###updateItem(successCB, errorCB)
The list of attributes that can be written back to the local backend using updateItem method
###updateItemsBatch(successCB, errorCB)
The list of attributes that can be written back to the local backend using updateItemsBatch method
###getContents(listener, errorCB, params)
getContents method retrieves the file content for the item as referenced by params
###getLink(params, successCallback, errorCallback)
getlink method retrieves a HTTP URL for the referenced item