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Guidelines for updating SVG 2 CR

Nikos Andronikos edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 1 revision

To keep track of changes made to the SVG 2 draft after publication of the September 15 2016 CR, we are implementing a more stringent review process.


  • All changes to the SVG 2 draft must be submitted via a Pull Request
  • At least one other working group member will review the changes before merging

Review guidelines:

  • Change must match the resolution
  • Change must be marked up as a change using the class 'changed-since-cr1'
  • Change must be documented in the changes appendix, with a link to the Github Issue where discussion took place

How to submit via a Pull Request (PR)

Members of the SVG WG have push access to the w3c/svgwg repository. This means we use the 'shared repository model' of development. To create a PR in this model, a topic branch is created and that topic branch is submitted as a PR.

The basic steps to do this are:

  • Create a topic branch. <name> can be anything, but I suggest using issue_###.
    git checkout -b <name>
  • Make your changes on the branch.
  • Push your branch to the origin repository (origin is the copy of the repository on Github's servers).
    git push -u origin <name>
  • Initiate creation of a PR using the Github web interface (click the 'New Pull Request' button)
  • select master for the base branch
  • select <name> for the compare branch
  • Add any other info, comments, etc, then click 'Create Pull Request'

If you need to update the PR (because of review comments, etc):

  • If there have been lots of changes on the repository in the meantime, you may wish to rebase your branch.
    git checkout master to switch to master
    git pull to get new commits
    git checkout <name> to switch to the topic branch
    git rebase master to rebase the topic branch onto the head of master
  • Make the changes on your local branch
  • Push the changes to the origin repository
    git push
    You already configured this branch as a tracked branch using the -u option above. Just pushing to the branch is now enough for Github to update the PR with the new commits.

For lots more info, see