1.3 "35C3"
This Release contains lots of improvements. This is the Code that ran 35C3.
- Voxtomix now starts with the Stream-Blanker enabled
- option to show VU meters for all audiostreams (thanks @sophieschi)
- Many performance-optimizations in the GUI-Code (thanks @fightling)
- option to force a specific window-size for the Voctogui (thanks @fightling)
- new API-Call to store the List of available Composition-Modes
- new API-Call to read an individual Config-Setting (useful for clients with less RAM)
- new API-Call to store and fetch values in the core (for synchronizing external clients)
- Fixes to Voctolight/Tallylight Code (thanks @NHGmaniac)
- Improvements to local testing scripts (thanks to @hayden-t and @nightvisi0n)