-- this release is identical to 1.0 --
The 1.0 Release, of which this is the first Release Candidate, is primarily a Bugfix and Cleanup-Release. IT closes a lot of older bug- and smaller feature-Tickets, most notably
- Shortcuts for stream-live/blank #91
- Cleanup of commands.py and the command-interface #98
- Problems with the set_videos_and_composite command and default-sources #100
- Adjustable Volume of Pauseloop #104
- Better handling of missing/unparsable Config-Files #116
- Analyzed and added Options to circumvent Problems with 3.x series ffmpegs #137
- Adjustable Volume of the Pause-Loop-Audio #104
- Example-Scripts for YouTube and Facebook (if you really need to) #170 #161
Furthermore we added a Bunch of Unit-Tests which are also run on travis-ci.