Public repository for custom blocks for Omniscope Evo.
- Design your custom block in Omniscope Evo 2020.1 or later. The source code should be reasonably documented and potentially contain sections to describe input fields and parameters.
- Export as a ZIP file from the block dialog.
- Send the file to [email protected] and we will include it for you.
- Follow points 1-2 from the simple way.
- Fork the repository.
- Create or use a directory in the forked repository under one of the main sections that specifies the general area of what the block does.
- Extract the ZIP file into this directory.
- Consider adding a for convenience, and a thumbnail.png.
- Run the python scripts and located in the root of the repository.
- Create a pull request.
- Connectors
- Azure
- Flightstats
- Overpass
- Slack
- Weather
- Etherscan
- Yahoo Finance
- Flipside
- Jira
- Trello
- HubSpot
- XPT Reader
- Dune
- Google BigQuery Import Table
- Google BigQuery Custom SQL
- Code & AI
- Inputs
- Analytics
- Clustering
- Network Analysis
- Prediction
- Validation
- Website
- Survival Analysis
- Data Profiler
- Preparation
- ForEach
- Geo
- Interfaces
- Join
- Partition
- Pivot
- Standardisation
- Workflow
- Markdown to HTML
- Split Address
- Sort fields
- Centroids from GeoJSON
- Unescape HTML
- Anonymise
- Streaming Field Renamer
- Field Renamer
- Add row ID field
- URL Encode
- Unstack Records
- Outputs
- BigQuery
- Github
- PowerPoint
- Slack
Storage Gen2 Blob connector to load a CSV or Parquet blob/file in Omniscope.
Downloads a list of airlines as provided by flightstats ( The script needs your flightstats app id and key which needs to be obtained either through buying their service or signing up for a test account.
Downloads a list of airports as provided by flightstats ( The script needs your flightstats app id and key which needs to be obtained either through buying their service or signing up for a test account.
Requests information about flights specified in the input data from flightstats ( If the flight exists the result will contain live information, otherwise it will not be part of it. The script needs your flightstats app id and key which needs to be obtained either through buying their service or signing up for a test account.
Finds all matching streets given a street name and requests multiple coordinates along the street using data from Overpass API. It will create a row for each point found that is part of a street that matches the given street name. The resulting rows will include the street name, the street Id and the coordinates of the point. The script needs an input with a field with the street name.
Allows you to call public Slack endpoints.
Retrieves current weather and forecasts from OpenWeatherMap
The Ethereum Blockchain Explorer.
Fetches price data for tickers from Yahoo Finance
Executes a SQL query on Flipside and retrieves the blockchain data
Retrieves projects and issues from Jira
Retrieves boards, lists and cards, and allows you to search in Trello.
Retrieves contacts, companies, deals and lists
Reads a SAS Transport xpt file, extracting a dataset.
Execute queries and retrieve blockchain data from any public query on, as well as any personal private queries your Dune account has access to
Allows to import a table from Google BigQuery.
Executes a SQL query on Google BigQuery and imports the query results
Executes a one-off prompt to OpenAI GPT and returns the generated text result
Executes a one-off prompt to Anthropic Claude and returns the generated text result
Executes a one-off prompt to a local LLM and returns the generated text result
Execute a system command.
Executes a SQL query on a Snowflake database.