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Make color parsing logic more robust
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So we can now handle signatures like (Int, Int, Int, Float)
  • Loading branch information
bitspittle committed Jun 24, 2024
1 parent 7f4bdac commit a84161e
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 90 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.BodyResolveMode
import java.awt.Color
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

* This constant prevents the color tracer from following references ridiculously deep into the codebase.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +58,10 @@ class KobwebColorProvider : ElementColorProvider {
override fun setColorTo(element: PsiElement, color: Color) = Unit

// navigationElement returns the element where a feature like "Go to declaration" would point:
// The source declaration, if found, and not a compiled one, which would make further analyzing impossible.
private fun KtSimpleNameExpression.findDeclaration(): PsiElement? = this.mainReference.resolve()?.navigationElement

* Tries resolving references as deep as possible and checks if a Kobweb color is being referred to.
Expand All @@ -82,13 +87,10 @@ private fun traceColor(element: PsiElement, currentDepth: Int = 0): Color? {

is KtPropertyAccessor -> element.bodyExpression

is KtCallExpression -> null.also {
val calleeExpression = element.calleeExpression as? KtNameReferenceExpression ?: return@also
val callee = calleeExpression.findDeclaration() as? KtNamedFunction ?: return@also

tryParseKobwebColorFunctionCall(callee, element.valueArguments)?.let { parsedColor ->
return parsedColor
is KtCallExpression -> {
val color = element.tryParseKobwebColorFunctionColor()
if (color != null) return color

else -> null
Expand All @@ -99,105 +101,144 @@ private fun traceColor(element: PsiElement, currentDepth: Int = 0): Color? {
} else null

private fun Float.toColorInt(): Int {
return (this * 255f).roundToInt().coerceIn(0, 255)

* Checks if a called function is a Kobweb color function and if it is, tries extracting the color from the call.
* @param callee The function being called, that might be a Kobweb color function
* @param valueArguments The arguments the [callee] is called with
* Checks if a call expression represents a Kobweb color function call and if so, try extracting the color from it.
* @return The specified color, if it could be parsed and the callee is a Kobweb color function, otherwise null
private fun tryParseKobwebColorFunctionCall(
callee: KtNamedFunction,
valueArguments: Collection<KtValueArgument>
): Color? = with(valueArguments) {
when {
callee.isKobwebColorFunction("rgb(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int)") ->
evaluateArguments<Int>(3)?.let { args ->
tryCreateRgbColor(args[0], args[1], args[2])

callee.isKobwebColorFunction("rgb(value: Int)") ->
evaluateArguments<Int>(1)?.let { args ->

callee.isKobwebColorFunction("rgba(value: Int)", "rgba(value: Long)") ->
(evaluateArguments<Int>(1) ?: evaluateArguments<Long, Int>(1) { it.toInt() })?.let { args ->
tryCreateRgbColor(args[0] shr Byte.SIZE_BITS)

callee.isKobwebColorFunction("argb(value: Int)", "argb(value: Long)") ->
(evaluateArguments<Int>(1) ?: evaluateArguments<Long, Int>(1) { it.toInt() })?.let { args ->
tryCreateRgbColor(args[0] and 0x00_FF_FF_FF)

callee.isKobwebColorFunction("hsl(h: Float, s: Float, l: Float)") ->
evaluateArguments<Float>(3)?.let { args ->
tryCreateHslColor(args[0], args[1], args[2])

callee.isKobwebColorFunction("hsla(h: Float, s: Float, l: Float, a: Float)") ->
evaluateArguments<Float>(4)?.let { args ->
tryCreateHslColor(args[0], args[1], args[2])
private fun KtCallExpression.tryParseKobwebColorFunctionColor(): Color? {
this.extractConstantArguments1<Int>(rgbFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb)

else -> null
this.extractConstantArguments1<Long>(rgbFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb.toInt())

this.extractConstantArguments3<Int, Int, Int>(rgbFqn)?.let { (r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r, g, b)

this.extractConstantArguments3<Float, Float, Float>(rgbFqn)?.let { (r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r.toColorInt(), g.toColorInt(), b.toColorInt())

"$KOBWEB_COLOR_COMPANION_FQ_NAME.rgba".let { rgbaFqn ->
this.extractConstantArguments1<Int>(rgbaFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb shr 8)

// navigationElement returns the element where a feature like "Go to declaration" would point:
// The source declaration, if found, and not a compiled one, which would make further analyzing impossible.
private fun KtSimpleNameExpression.findDeclaration(): PsiElement? = this.mainReference.resolve()?.navigationElement
this.extractConstantArguments1<Long>(rgbaFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb.toInt() shr 8)

* Evaluates a collection of value arguments to the specified type.
* For example, if we have a collection of decimal, hex, and binary arguments,
* this method can parse them into regular integer values, so 123, 0x7B and 0b0111_1011
* would all evaluate to 123.
* @param argCount The size the original and evaluated collections must have. If this value disagrees with the size of
* the passed in collection, it will throw an exception; it's essentially treated like an assertion at that point.
* Otherwise, it's used to avoid returning a final, evaluated array of unexpected size.
* @param evaluatedValueMapper Convenience parameter to avoid having to type `.map { ... }.toTypedArray()`
* @return the evaluated arguments of length [argCount] if evaluation of **all** arguments succeeded,
* and [argCount] elements were passed for evaluation, otherwise null
private inline fun <reified Evaluated, reified Mapped> Collection<KtValueArgument>.evaluateArguments(
argCount: Int,
evaluatedValueMapper: (Evaluated) -> Mapped
): Array<Mapped>? {
this.extractConstantArguments4<Int, Int, Int, Int>(rgbaFqn)?.let { (r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r, g, b)

this.extractConstantArguments4<Int, Int, Int, Float>(rgbaFqn)?.let { (r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r, g, b)

this.extractConstantArguments4<Float, Float, Float, Float>(rgbaFqn)?.let { (r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r.toColorInt(), g.toColorInt(), b.toColorInt())

"$KOBWEB_COLOR_COMPANION_FQ_NAME.argb".let { argbFqn ->
this.extractConstantArguments1<Int>(argbFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb and 0x00_FF_FF_FF)

this.extractConstantArguments1<Long>(argbFqn)?.let { (rgb) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(rgb.toInt() and 0x00_FF_FF_FF)

check(this.size == argCount) { "evaluateArguments called on a collection expecting $argCount arguments, but it only had ${this.size}"}
this.extractConstantArguments4<Int, Int, Int, Int>(argbFqn)?.let { (_, r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r, g, b)

val constantExpressions = this.mapNotNull { it.getArgumentExpression() as? KtConstantExpression }
this.extractConstantArguments4<Float, Int, Int, Int>(argbFqn)?.let { (_, r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r, g, b)

val evaluatedArguments = constantExpressions.mapNotNull { expr ->
val bindingContext = expr.analyze(BodyResolveMode.PARTIAL)
val constant = bindingContext.get(BindingContext.COMPILE_TIME_VALUE, expr) ?: return@mapNotNull null
val type = bindingContext.getType(expr) ?: return@mapNotNull null
constant.getValue(type) as? Evaluated
this.extractConstantArguments4<Float, Float, Float, Float>(argbFqn)?.let { (_, r, g, b) ->
return tryCreateRgbColor(r.toColorInt(), g.toColorInt(), b.toColorInt())

return if (evaluatedArguments.size != argCount) null
this.extractConstantArguments3<Int, Float, Float>(hslFqn)?.let { (h, s, l) ->
return tryCreateHslColor(h, s, l)

private inline fun <reified Evaluated> Collection<KtValueArgument>.evaluateArguments(argCount: Int) =
evaluateArguments<Evaluated, Evaluated>(argCount) { it }
this.extractConstantArguments3<Float, Float, Float>(hslFqn)?.let { (h, s, l) ->
return tryCreateHslColor(h.roundToInt(), s, l)

private fun KtNamedFunction.isKobwebColorFunction(vararg functionSignatures: String): Boolean {
val actualFqName = this.kotlinFqName?.asString() ?: return false
val actualParameters = this.valueParameterList?.text ?: return false
val actual = actualFqName + actualParameters
"$KOBWEB_COLOR_COMPANION_FQ_NAME.hsla".let { hslaFqn ->
this.extractConstantArguments4<Int, Float, Float, Float>(hslaFqn)?.let { (h, s, l) ->
return tryCreateHslColor(h, s, l)

return functionSignatures.any { functionSignature ->
val expected = "$KOBWEB_COLOR_COMPANION_FQ_NAME.$functionSignature"
expected == actual
this.extractConstantArguments4<Float, Float, Float, Float>(hslaFqn)?.let { (h, s, l) ->
return tryCreateHslColor(h.roundToInt(), s, l)

return null

private data class Values<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
val v1: T1,
val v2: T2,
val v3: T3,
val v4: T4

private inline fun <reified T> KtValueArgument.extractConstantValue(): T? {
val constantExpression = getArgumentExpression() as? KtConstantExpression ?: return null
val bindingContext = constantExpression.analyze(BodyResolveMode.PARTIAL)
val constant = bindingContext.get(BindingContext.COMPILE_TIME_VALUE, constantExpression) ?: return null
val type = bindingContext.getType(constantExpression) ?: return null
return constant.getValue(type) as? T

private fun KtCallExpression.valueArgumentsIf(fqn: String, requiredSize: Int): List<KtValueArgument>? {
val calleeExpression = calleeExpression as? KtNameReferenceExpression ?: return null
val callee = calleeExpression.findDeclaration() as? KtNamedFunction ?: return null
if (callee.kotlinFqName?.asString() != fqn) return null
return valueArguments.takeIf { it.size == requiredSize }

private inline fun <reified I> KtCallExpression.extractConstantArguments1(fqn: String): Values<I, Unit, Unit, Unit>? {
val valueArguments = valueArgumentsIf(fqn, 1) ?: return null
val v1: I? = valueArguments[0].extractConstantValue()
return if (v1 != null) Values(v1, Unit, Unit, Unit) else null

private inline fun <reified I1, reified I2, reified I3> KtCallExpression.extractConstantArguments3(fqn: String): Values<I1, I2, I3, Unit>? {
val valueArguments = valueArgumentsIf(fqn, 3) ?: return null
val v1: I1? = valueArguments[0].extractConstantValue()
val v2: I2? = valueArguments[1].extractConstantValue()
val v3: I3? = valueArguments[2].extractConstantValue()
return if (v1 != null && v2 != null && v3 != null) Values(v1, v2, v3, Unit) else null

private inline fun <reified I1, reified I2, reified I3, reified I4> KtCallExpression.extractConstantArguments4(fqn: String): Values<I1, I2, I3, I4>? {
val valueArguments = valueArgumentsIf(fqn, 4) ?: return null
val v1: I1? = valueArguments[0].extractConstantValue()
val v2: I2? = valueArguments[1].extractConstantValue()
val v3: I3? = valueArguments[2].extractConstantValue()
val v4: I4? = valueArguments[3].extractConstantValue()
return if (v1 != null && v2 != null && v3 != null && v4 != null) Values(v1, v2, v3, v4) else null

private fun tryCreateRgbColor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int) =
Expand All @@ -206,11 +247,15 @@ private fun tryCreateRgbColor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int) =
private fun tryCreateRgbColor(rgb: Int) =
runCatching { Color(rgb) }.getOrNull()

private fun tryCreateHslColor(hue: Float, saturation: Float, lightness: Float): Color? {
// Expected values:
// hue: 0-360
// saturation: 0-1
// lightness: 0-1
private fun tryCreateHslColor(hue: Int, saturation: Float, lightness: Float): Color? {
val chroma = (1 - abs(2 * lightness - 1)) * saturation
val intermediateValue = chroma * (1 - abs(((hue / 60) % 2) - 1))
val hueSection = (hue.toInt() % 360) / 60
val hueSection = (hue % 360) / 60
val r: Float
val g: Float
val b: Float
Expand Down

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