Math allows you to execute many PHP math functions in your ExpressionEngine templates without needing to enable PHP parsing.
formula="(5 * 2) / [1]" — math formula (required) supports the following operators as well as bitwise + - * / % ++ -- < > <= => != <> ==
params="{var}|{var2}" — pipe delimited list of numeric parameters to be replaced into formula, recommended due to use of PHP eval (default: null)
decimals="2" — sets the number of decimal points (default: "0")
dec_point="." — sets the separator for the decimal point (default: ".")
thousands_separator="," — sets the thousands separator; (default: ",")
absolute="yes" — return the absolute number of the result (defaults: "no")
round="up|down|ceil" — whether to round the result up or down (defaults: no rounding)
numeric_error="Error" — message returned when non-numeric parameters are provided (default: "Invalid input")
trailing_zeros="yes" — include trailing 0 decimal places (defaults: "no")
More detailed reference.
This is a required parameter and supports the following standard PHP operators as well as bitwise operators:
+ - * / % ++ -- < > <= => != <> ==
{exp:math formula="10 - 2"}
Output: 8
This is a pipe-delimited list of numeric parameters to be replaced into the formula, recommendeded when using dynamic parameters (default: null).
Set your parameters and call them by bracketed number reference. For instance [1] would call the first value, [2] would call the second value, and so forth.
{exp:math formula="[1] - [2]" params="{var1}|{var2}"}
Sets the number of decimal points (default: "0")
{exp:math formula="((4 * 3) / 5)" decimals="1"}
Output: 2.4
Sets the separator for the decimal point (default: ".")
Sets the thousands separator (default: ",")
Return the absolute value of the result (defaults: "no")
{exp:math formula="10 - 12" absolute="yes"}
Output: 2
Whether to round the result up or down (defaults: no rounding)
{exp:math formula="([1] + 1) / [2]" params="{total_results}|2" round="down"}
Output: 5 (where {total_results} is 10)
{exp:math formula="2/3" decimals="2" round="up"}
Output: 0.67
Message returned when non-numeric parameters are provided (default: "Invalid input")
Include trailing 0 decimal places (defaults: "no")
DevDemon Updater is fully supported, or for manual installs copy "system/expressionengine/third_party/math" to your third_party system directory.
- Copy "system/expressionengine/third_party/math" to "system/user/addons"
- Go to your control panel and navigate to the Add-On Manager
- Locate Math in the Third Party Add-Ons section and click install
Copyright 2016 Caddis Interactive, LLC. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.