Argon2 (with Argon2u support) run as WebAssembly.
npm install --save argon2-wasm
import argon2 from 'argon2-wasm';
argon2.hash({pass: 'password', salt: 'somesalt', distPath: 'dist'}).then(console.log);
/* Logs:
{ hash:
Uint8Array [ ... ],
'$argon2d$v=19$m=1024,t=10,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ$84r+EmbSR88fb4Nv/bsKuUbAp+28tLpucySzK5BQRB4' }
The input object has the following parameters and defaults:
{string} pass password string
{string} salt salt string
{float} time (1) the number of iterations
{float} mem (1024) used memory, in KiB
{float} hashLen (24) desired hash length
{float} parallelism (1) desired parallelism (will be computed in parallel only for PNaCl)
{number} type (argon2.types.Argon2d) hash type: argon2.ArgonType.Argon2d, .Argon2i, .Argon2id or .Argon2u
{string} distPath ('.') asm.js script location, without trailing slash
- emscripten with WebAssembly support (howto)
- CMake
Use the provided build script:
You can also use npm run-script build
, which will call that directly.