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Closed Oct 16, 2024 100% complete

MVP/version 0 of UCC.

  1. Includes integration with Cirq, Qiskit, and TKET frontends
  2. Improves upon the performance of their corresponding compilers in gate count and runtime for a range of application-oriented benchmarks
  3. Returns quantum circuit in format of user's choice, including OpenQASM or one of the supported frontends

MVP/version 0 of UCC.

  1. Includes integration with Cirq, Qiskit, and TKET frontends
  2. Improves upon the performance of their corresponding compilers in gate count and runtime for a range of application-oriented benchmarks
  3. Returns quantum circuit in format of user's choice, including OpenQASM or one of the supported frontends

This milestone is closed.

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