My Deartures is a small utility that pulls stop schedules from HSL (Helsinki metropolitan transportation) APIs and publishes them to Telegram bots.
Image for Raspberry Pi is available in
Docker Compose file used to setup Docker container
version: '3'
# latest and dev images available
image: "truhponen/my-departures:latest"
restart: unless-stopped
privileged: true
# Host network mode is used to avoid random troubles
network_mode: host
# Configuration expects that there is volume. Docker image is build so that app is in "/app"-folder and configuration files are in "/app/data"-folder.
- my-departures:${APP_DIR}/data:rw
# Mapping localtime to container ensures that time in message is correct ... of course assuming server time is correct
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
external: true
Configuration file is used to configure solution.
properly filled config.yaml needs to be added to "/data"-folder.
# Settings for sending HSL data to app.
HSL_1000103: # Add ID of preferred station here
stop_type: 'station' # Needed because HSL separates "stations" and "stop"
app: 'Telegram'
token: '[Add the bot token from Telegram here]'
chat_id: '[add chat ID here]' # Later this will be automated
stop_type: 'station'
app: 'Telegram'
token: '[Add the bot token from Telegram here]'
chat_id: '[add chat ID here]' # Later this will be automated
digitransit-subscription-key: '[Add HSL secret here]'
# Settings for sending messages
# How much earlier departures are sent
time_distance: 900
# Setting for updating data from HSL.
initialize_departures_db: False # If departures database is truncated during startup.
update_frequency: 60 # How ofter new departures is requested from HSL.
# Other settings
logging_level: INFO # Logs are stored in folder "logs/"
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