A Go language port of Turfjs
Turf for Go is a ported library in GoLang ported from the Turf.js library.
- along
- area
- bbox
- bboxPolygon
- bearing
- center
- centerOfMass
- centroid
- destination
- distance
- envelope
- length
- midpoint
- pointOnFeature
- polygonTangents
- pointToLineDistance
- rhumbBearing
- rhumbDestination
- rhumbDistance
- square
- greatCircle
- cleanCoords
- flip
- rewind
- round
- truncate
- bboxClip
- bezierSpline
- buffer
- circle
- clone
- concave
- convex
- difference
- dissolve
- intersect
- lineOffset
- simplify
- tesselate
- transformRotate
- transformTranslate
- transformScale
- union
- voronoi
- combine
- explode
- flatten
- lineToPolygon
- polygonize
- polygonToLine
- kinks
- lineArc
- lineChunk
- lineIntersect
- lineOverlap
- lineSegment
- lineSlice
- lineSliceAlong
- lineSplit
- mask
- nearestPointOnLine
- sector
- shortestPath
- unkinkPolygon
- featureCollection
- feature
- geometryCollection
- lineString
- multiLineString
- multiPoint
- multiPolygon
- point
- polygon
- randomPosition
- randomPoint
- randomLineString
- randomPolygon
- sample
- pointsWithinPolygon
- tag
- hexGrid
- pointGrid
- squareGrid
- triangleGrid
- nearestPoint
- collect
- clustersDbscan
- clustersKmeans
- coordAll
- coordEach
- coordReduce
- featureEach
- featureReduce
- flattenEach
- flattenReduce
- getCoord
- getCoords
- getGeom
- getType
- geomEach
- geomReduce
- propEach
- propReduce
- segmentEach
- segmentReduce
- getCluster
- clusterEach
- clusterReduce
- collectionOf
- containsNumber
- geojsonType
- featureOf
- booleanClockwise
- booleanContains
- booleanCrosses
- booleanDisjoint
- booleanEqual
- booleanOverlap
- booleanParallel
- booleanPointInPolygon
- booleanPointOnLine
- booleanWithin
- bearingToAzimuth
- convertArea
- convertLength
- degreesToRadians
- lengthToRadians
- lengthToDegrees
- radiansToLength
- radiansToDegrees
- toMercator
- toWgs84