released this
16 May 12:38
528 commits
to master
since this release
KryoFlux and Stream files
- fixed modified document as "dirty,"
- fixed access to non-existent revolution,
- fixed double-track distance when creating Stream files,
- fixed recognition of Stream files created using Greaseweazle,
- fixed interactivity in Track Editor,
- fixed working with sectors without DAM,
- improved speed of writing,
- improved robustness of Stream file naming (e.g. some users omitted the cylinder information in the pattern, preventing them from creating their Streams - RIDE now recognizes and solves such error).
Internal FDD
- improved latency determination, now examining track 39 instead of 0,
- added maintaining of several revolutions of the same sector, e.g. for their comparison in hexa-browser.
Disk Hexa-browser
- fixed displaying of non-existent revolution,
- fixed deadlock when content not available,
- improved response time,
- improved shortcuts,
- added reporting of progress in status-bar.
- fixed adoption of Gap 3 from already formatted healthy track,
- fixed writing of partially formatted raw image,
- fixed conversion of physical address to track number,
- added time measurement,
- added new warnings to final report.
All Spectrum DOSes
- fixed closing of tape,
- fixed application of address base for Screen$'s,
- added command to turn Screen$ flashing on and off,
- added command to save current Screen$ as non-flashing bitmap.
- minor GUI and synchronization improvements.