Msgpack packer as PSR-7 middleware. It will pack all response body contents and set new Content-Type header
Slim framework example
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$body = new \Slim\Http\Body(fopen('php://temp', 'r+')); //empty body for new response, can be replaced with any other implementation of PSR-7 StreamInterface
$config = [
'config_dir' => __DIR__.'/config',
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
'logger' => [
'name' => 'slim-app',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../logs/app.log',
$app = new \Slim\App($config);
$app->add(new \TitaniumCodes\Middleware\Msgpack($body, 'application/x-msgpack'));
$app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) use($config) {
return $response->withJson($config);
TiSuit integration
config msgpack.php
return [
'body' => new \Slim\Http\Body(fopen('php://temp', 'r+'));
'content-type' => 'application/x-msgpack',
config suit.php
return [
'providers' => [
'middlewares' => [