update linux bedrock server
process is:
0.check args, is server and backup and download location RW-able?
if not then quit
1.download server release page using cURL.(https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock)
2.get the LINUX server file link(https://minecraft.azureedge.net/bin-linux/bedrock-server-
3.read version number by server file link(
4.if not download,then download server file(DOWNLOAD_PATH/bedrock-server-
5.compair version by read YOUR_SERVER_DIR/server_version.txt(this script create this file)
if not equal now version OR --fu is set
then continue.
else quit.
6.execute pre-upgrade command
if fail then quit.
7.backup using tar -I 'gzip -6' to BACKUP_PATH/
if fail then quit.
8.extract server zip to YOUR_SERVER_DIR/,but dont overwrite ['server.properties','permissions.json','allowlist.json'] if present.and create server_version.txt
9.excute post-upgrade command
for example
./bedrock-update.py -s /srv/bedrock -b /opt/bedrock-update/backup/ -d /opt/bedrock-update/download/ --pre "systemctl stop bedrock" --post "systemctl start bedrock"
i dont know why with the same haders python request can not get server release page,but cURL can. if sone one know please tell me.im really confused.