Charis is a CHARISA assembler/disassembler written in Python
CHARISA stands for CHAnia Reduced Instruction Set Architecture and it's the instruction set of a MIPS like CPU for the Project of the Computer Organization Course (ACE312) at the Technical University of Crete.
python [-a] OR [-d] file
is a 32-bit Register Hardwired to0
- 31 32-bit General Purpose Registers
- 2 Types of Instructions (R/I Type)
- Instructions Always 32 bits in length
- ALU Operations include:
add, sub, nand, not, or, sra, sll, srl, ror, rol, li, addi, nandi, ori
- 3 Types of Branching Instructions:
b, bne, beq
- 4 L/S Instructions:
lw, sw, lb, sb
- Byte addressable memory
6-bits | 5-bits | 5-bits | 5-bits | 5-bits | 6-bits |
OpCode | Rs | Rd | Rt | Unused | func |
6-bits | 5-bits | 5-bits | 16-bits |
OpCode | Rs | Rd | Immed |
li r1, 0xa
addi r2, 100
or r4, r0, r1
sw r1, 0x2(r2)
lw r1, 5(r8)
b 0x1
beq r0, r0, 0x4
Check example.asm
for all instructions.