.▄▄ · • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄· ▄▄▄· super
▐█ ▀. ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▄█▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▄█ music
▄▀▀▀█▄▐█ ▌▐▌▐█· ██▀·██ ▄▄ ██▀· player
▐█▄▪▐███ ██▌▐█▌▐█▪·•▐███▌▐█▪·• client
▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀.▀ ·▀▀▀ .▀ plus+
smpcp is a command line client for Music Player Daemon written in Bash (and a little C), that includes some more advanced features like:
- Auto-generated playlists (song and album modes).
- Notifications (with album art).
- Song rating.
- Playback statistics.
- Can be extended with plugins.
Latest version of these packages are needed:
awk (for auto-completion)
cdparanoia (optional)
sed (for auto-completion)
Clone this repository: git clone https://gitlab.com/teegre/smpcp.git
Then: cd smpcp
Finally: make install
make uninstall
smpcp reads its configuration from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/smpcp
As a starting point, a default configuration file called smpcp.conf can be found in /etc/smpcp
mkdir $HOME/.config/smpcp
cp /etc/smpcp/smpcp.conf ~/.config/smpcp
For more info, read smpcp.conf(5) manual page.
To enable auto-playlists and playback statistics, smpcpd - the smpcp daemon - must be running. A systemd unit is provided for this purpose.
To enable the daemon:
systemctl --user enable smpcpd
To start the daemon:
systemctl --user start smpcpd
To execute a command: smpcp <command> [options]
Commands can be chained with the ++
operator: smpcp clear ++ add kraftwerk/autobahn ++ play
To see a list of available commands: smpcp help
For more info, read smpcp(1) manual page.
As stated at the beginning of this document, smpcp can be extended with plugins (check out plugins
in this repository).
Until I find a convenient way to manage plugin installation, a plugin must be installed manually by copying or symlinking its directory over to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/smpcp/plugins/
No extra step is needed since smpcp 'detects' plugins automatically.
Type smpcp plugins
to see a list of installed plugins.
I provided a (very basic and still in construction) guide to help plugins development: Plugins Development Guide Wiki
And you can check out the example plugin called hello.