C++ framework for x86 Windows to ease modding
I like the .Net framework. Not because of easy memory management that comes with managed code, but because of the nice API it comes with. Process, Thread, File, and a lot more classes provide some great functionality. When writing C++, I felt I was still stuck writing boiler plate code every time...
No more! The goal of WinCore is to combine the power of native code with the sweetness of a pre-built API. The focus is on making complex stuff (hooking a function, calling functions in other processes, etc) easy.
I'll let the code do the talking. An example how the frameworks makes hooking a function easy:
// Target function
int __cdecl add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Our detour
DetourRet __stdcall add_detour(DetourArgs* args)
args->Arguments->at(0) = (void*)4;
// ...
// Initialize Function
Function* target = new Function(add, CDECL_CALLCONV, 2, DWORD_SIZE);
// Initialize Hook
Hook* hook = Hook::CreateHook(target, new wstring(L"add"));
// Register detour
Detour* our_detour = hook->RegisterDetour(add_detour, DETOUR_PRE);
// Output: "9"
cout << add(2, 5) << endl;