Monorepo containing all deployment related tools: Deployment CLI, Helm Charts, Docker Compose files
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Table of Contents
The Docker Compose documentation can be found in the Syntho Documentation
The Helm chart documentation can be found in the Syntho Documentation
A few things have been implemented for this project:
- Pre-commit hooks in order to check your files
- A VScode workspace file to correctly create VSCode workspaces
- The Docker Compose file and Helm charts to deploy the Syntho Application with
- The source code of the Syntho CLI (The deployment CLI for the Syntho Application)
│ └───config
│ └───postgres
│ └───config
│ └───ray
│ └───syntho-ui
- Install
Python 11.*
or higher and make sure it is the default one
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Poetry
curl -sSL | python3 -
- Install Python packages in root
poetry install --no-root
- Run pre-commit install:
pre-commit install
This project uses commitizen to bump the version and create a new release. For every commit on main, we check whether a release can be created by seeing in any commits were made that either increase the patch, minor or major version. If that's the case, a Github release will be created with the new version and the changelog. After that, the Syntho CLI wheel will be uploaded to PyPI.
Syntho B.V. - [email protected]