Dockerized backup tool.
docker run --rm --user $UID --hostname `hostname` \
-v duplicity-cache:/home/duplicity/.cache/duplicity \
-v duplicity-gnupg:/home/duplicity/.gnupg \
Mount folder to backup
-v /path/to/backup/:/data \
Set destination, credentials and other options
-e DEST="ftp://[email protected][:port]/some_dir"
-e FTP_PASSWORD="password"
Set backup passphrase
-e PASSPHRASE="pass"
Set retention
-e CLEAN_UP_TYPE="remove-all-but-n-full"
Pass options to make a backup
weboaks/ --backup
or restore a backup
-it weboaks/ --restore /data
-b, --backup runs an incremental backup
-f, --full forces a full backup
-v, --verify verifies the backup
-e, --cleanup cleanup the backup (eg. broken sessions), by default using
duplicity --force flag, use --dry-run to actually log what
will be cleaned up without removing (see man duplicity
> ACTIONS > cleanup for details)
-l, --list-current-files lists the files currently backed up in the archive
-s, --collection-status show all the backup sets in the archive
--restore [PATH] restores the entire backup to [path]
restore a specific file
restore a specific directory
-t, --time TIME specify the time from which to restore or list files
(see duplicity man page for the format)
--backup-script automatically backup the script and secret key(s) to
the current working directory
-n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made
-d, --debug echo duplicity commands to logfile
-V, --version print version information about this script and duplicity
all env variables supported by are listed in duplicity-backup.conf.example is based on duplicity, you can pass any argument to duplicity via
-e STATIC_OPTIONS="$STATIC_OPTIONS --full-if-older-than 1W"
-v /path/to/keys/:/home/duplicity/keys/
-e GPG_ENC_KEY="/home/duplicity/keys/gpgenc.key"
-e GPG_SIGN_KEY="/home/duplicity/keys/gpgsign.key"
-e GPG_OPTIONS="--no-show-photos"
You can remove older than a specific time period:
-e CLEAN_UP_TYPE="remove-older-than"
Or, If you would rather keep a certain (n) number of full backups (rather than removing the files based on their age), you can use what I use:
-e CLEAN_UP_TYPE="remove-all-but-n-full"
All env variables useful to configure the script can be found in
-e DEST="ftp://[email protected][:port]/some_dir"
-e DEST="ftps://[email protected][:port]/some_dir"
-e DEST="ftpes://[email protected][:port]/some_dir"
-e DEST="rsync://[email protected][:port]//absolute_path"
-e DEST="scp://[email protected][:port]/[/]some_dir"
-e DEST="ssh://[email protected][:port]/[/]some_dir"
-e DEST="sftp://[email protected][:port]/[/]some_dir
-e DEST="imap[s]://[email protected][/from_address_prefix]"
-e DEST="webdav[s]://[email protected][:port]/some_dir"
-e DEST="fish://[email protected][:port]/[relative|/absolute]_path"
-e DEST="mega://[email protected]/some_dir"
And specify your password :
-e FTP_PASSWORD="password"
-e DEST="s3+http://foobar-backup-bucket/backup-folder/"
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="foobar_aws_key_id"
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="foobar_aws_access_key"
To specify storage class options
-e STORAGECLASS="--s3-use-ia"
-e STORAGECLASS="--s3-use-rss"
To use minio or another s3 compatible storage
-e DEST="s3://host/backup-bucket/backup-folder/"
-e DEST=gs://bucket[/prefix]
-e GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="foobar_gcs_key_id"
-e GS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="foobar_gcs_secret_id"
-e DEST="swift://foobar_swift_container/some_dir"
-e SWIFT_USERNAME="foobar_swift_tenant:foobar_swift_username"
-e SWIFT_PASSWORD="foobar_swift_password"
-e SWIFT_AUTHURL="foobar_swift_authurl"