This web app displays dog parks in and around Raleigh, NC. The user can click on a map marker for each park and view or upload pictures taken at that park. The dog park location data is pulled from one of the Open Data Raleigh APIs. Then, it uses React-Leaflet to handle the map features. Finally, it’s using Cloudinary to host the images that are uploaded for each park.
To deploy this app, you'll need a Cloudinary account -- the free tier is fine -- an OpenShift account, and the oc command line tool. If you don't have one, you can create an OpenShift account here.
oc login <...>
oc new-project raleigh-dogparks
oc new-app \
-e CLOUDINARY_NAME=<your-cloudinary-name> \
-e CLOUDINARY_KEY=<your-cloudinary-key> \
-e CLOUDINARY_SECRET=<your-cloudinary-secret>
oc logs -f bc/raleigh-dogparks
oc expose service raleigh-dogparks
oc get route